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Life & Work with Sir Nvision of Minneapolis

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sir Nvision

Hi SIR, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Yes, I’m an Artist that resides in Minnesota. I’m a refugee that migrated to the United States when I was practically a newborn. I was born in Kampala, Uganda of September 1997, my family through certain generations were always poor with not much resources for us to get us by in life. Growing up I’ve always loved anything that enhanced my creativity. Whether it was Music, Visual Arts, writing, etc. I was able to do it all. I ended up moving to Minnesota. As I was growing up, as an adolescent I was always being bullied in school with not much social skills and friends. I loved Art and I would always draw anywhere that had a surface, whether it was on paper, desks, and lockers, I would doodle on it. I loved to watch Dragon Ball Z and watch cartoons like Arthur, Sonic X, and Pokémon, I also read the Shonen Jump collections added with Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, and Bones. I also would make comic book strips. I sold a few copies to some kids in my Grade but the teachers stopped me from doing that as they tried to dim my light down, even though it was my escape from reality. I’ve also got bullied for being fat and always being made fun of for the way I held my pencil, even my oldest siblings would bully me too. Teachers have just always picked one flaw I’ve done and would get me in trouble for it. After school before sundown, my mother would let me play outside for a little bit but most of the time I was forced to be inside. I was never able to invite my friends over to my home because my mother has never liked any of my friends, but growing up until now, I understand why she did that. My siblings, including me, were always being abused for the smallest things we made mistakes upon. I’ve got abused, but I still loved my mother and she was also growing too. When I was in 3rd Grade my mom got diagnosed with Stomach Cancer, it really devastated the family as a whole. I was too young to understand, I just thought she was sick and she would get better. They’ve removed the tumor out of my mothers stomach and the Kemo Therapy worked temporarily, but the Tumor ended up growing back. Then the end of 5th Grade my mother passed away and I was truly saddened, I didn’t even get to hear her last words. She became a Nurse and she graduated with an Associates Degree, after she became an Registered Nurse before her passing.

Later on 6th Grade came, I got transferred to Catholic School, I lost all my old friends from Elementary School, and was forced to start over. The school was fairly small and everyone knew each other because they’ve grown up with each other in the same school. It was K-8th Grade, I didn’t have much friends down there either, and I was also getting made fun of, but this time it was because of my weight and skin color. That was the first time I’ve experience stereotypes, practically a diluted version of racism. I was always a nice kid, nobody there ever tried to fight me, just because I was too big, but I was simply being made fun of. The school was predominately Caucasian with only under 7 Afro-American students. So I was always depressed everyday and made fun of, I didn’t want to start anything because I was afraid to get in trouble by my Dad, I would’ve simply got physically abused if I done so. I had no guidance on how I was able to express my feelings of any sort, so I had to just bottle it all in until I cracked with sadness. The only connection I had with some of the students was the fact that I’ve played sports. I only played Basketball throughout my middle school years and football in 8th Grade. Nobody understood about being Black in America especially being from a different country. As a person, I just felt lost. Growing up also I couldn’t even connect with my own culture of people nor was I able to speak to them. Some of them knew English where as others knew Arabic or their Tribal language. So I truly felt like I couldn’t connect with my own people or even communicate with them because I only knew English, and it was just because I wasn’t raised around people speaking it to me or being exposed to my language and culture at a young age. So basically, I grew up as a socially awkward person in my preteens. I was mostly around my older Brother because my older Brother was making music in High School, being aware of the Truth and Wonders of the world, I looked up to him. My Brothers and cousins created a Hip Hop group where they were representing Africa, they had local shows in Hamline University in the Twin Cities where Hip Hop that year was starting to get big as a genre and was starting to thrive, it really made me inspired to start so I can get my own career going. I also was onstage the Trip Lee Concert that was being held in Hamline University, he’s a Christian rapper that is signed to Lecrae, it was a nice experience being up there with him as it gave me a lot of Drive myself.
After Middle school, I transferred back to Public school at 15. The environment was different, I felt a little better because I was around my own people, Africans and African Americans, but when it came to the African Americans, they still made fun of my skin color because I was darker than most and made fun of my culture because I was born in Africa. It made me sad that the Black community was getting brainwashed to hate and talk down upon their own kind and I’m a very Afrocentric person. I wasn’t able to stick up for myself, people in high school always tried to threaten to fight me for no reason, just to test me and start problems for their own entertainment. Growing up, I avoided everyone in my school and I just wanted to be a nice person, butI didn’t understand the disgrace between being nice and good, I just wanted to be accepted. I did certain things for just for me to make friends. I felt like I couldn’t be myself so I just felt truly lost and never fitted in. I saw some my real friends that were from my Elementary school that came to my high school later on. Up until senior year, I was able to do some shadow work and figured out who I was as a person. Later Senior year I ended up getting a car and a job, I was doing well for myself during the time, I ended up gaining friends not realizing some of these “friends” were just using me for their own benefit, and people also framed me and tried to set me up too. There was not much to do in Rochester either except to smoke, drink, pop pills and do Drugs, since Minnesota has the best hospital in the world, it was easy to get pills from Drug Dealers and hustlers. Most of the teenagers and people around my age group were doing it out of boredom because that wanted to escape from reality, because no one wanted to empathize with them or hear their feelings. Others would go sell them to make money not realizing they made others prioritize the consequences behind it, without knowing it can cause you certain death. I fell victim to it also. Besides that some of my best years in High School was being apart of my friends Music Collective called Zootboys. I helped promote their events and their music before I became a music artist, our first performances were within the Twin Cities and performing in the Poorhouse, it was one of the best experiences I’m my senior year.

Otherwise the environment was very conforming and majority of people around me were selling Drugs and consuming them, I didn’t want to be around that type of environment, so I ended up moving to a place in the Twin Cities, where some of my family and cousins resided in. After High School. I ended up moving in with my sister where I ended up meeting some new friends and new people. Both of my sisters were valedictorians in Augsburg University, so they inspired me to work even harder too. I started making music also in the Twin Cities, I would go to my friends shows to show support and also promote the shows they had too. During that year, I also met Freeway Ricky, we just talked for a bit and I found out Rick Ross stole his name. But he gave me good advice, he told me I was the product and to invest in yourself, it was a fun experience. But later on I was finding out my older brother was going in and out of jail and I found out he got sick then they put him in jail. After he went to the rehabilitation center and I wasn’t able to see him for over 5 years. I was truly devastated, but being home in the cities felt good because I was around my family and people I grew up with. But then I let people stay at my apartment where they just used me and didn’t have my best interest at heart, they just wanted a roof over their head and wasn’t helping me pay rent also, I ended up getting evicted out of my house and later on went to Job Corp.

I started making music at Job Corp and was free styling with a couple of my friends by the dorm rooms. I always got into fights when I was there and a lot of people had animosity towards me for no reason. I had a girlfriend down there but she wasn’t a good person towards me. Majority of the time we had our differences but she was sometimes cool. But I found out a guy I knew that went to Job Corp ended up raping my girlfriend. Once I found out I physically assaulted him and I ended up getting terminated. I was homeless for almost a week but decided to go back and just stayed at my families spot.

Time was passing by and I fell into a depressive state. I was smoking a lot and doing a lot of drugs like acid, shrooms, Lean, Xanax, Molly, and Oxycodone. People I trusted were still using my kindness for weakness. Never paying me back for money I lent them and also threatening me, I couldn’t trust anyone no more, so I decided to just keep to myself and do things that I loved to do. I made a remix to a track that was getting small traction and since then I kept going with doing music. That same year I got invited to be onstage a local Minnesota Artists show that was opening up for Polo G. His name is YG On Da Beat and he produced for Chief Keef and Lil Durk. Which made me more inspired again.

Besides that I thought things were over for me, until I went to visit my home country Uganda. When I was there I met some new friends that are still good friends with me until today. Learn some of my tribal language, and also went out and was free styling with people that did music too. I saw both sides of my family and I also got to see my Grandma again who ended up leaving to go back to Africa. It was one of the best and most wholesome experiences of my life. That’s when I realized what my mission is and who I’m hustling for.

Fast Forward later I thought things would go better for me, so I started taking music more serious, learning more how to produce and engineer, writing, and learning how to play certain instruments. I’ve met some good people within my journey that believed in me and my potential and presenting opportunities for me. But I also met people that just wanted to scam me and just wanted my money when I was trying to invest into myself and them too, but I lived and I learned that not everyone has good intentions for you. But the people that believed in me and presented those opportunities for me, I told them wholeheartedly that I wasn’t ready and I would love to work when I’m ready. I met some Minnesota Podcasters, artists, and Influencers also like Southside Chief, he’s a local podcaster that helping Minnesota get the recognition deserved. But Overall, I decided to be a student in the industry during that time.
From having near death experiences, getting scammed, people talking down on me, taking me for granted, showing no value to me nor support. I prospered through these hardships. I ended up becoming a Music Artist and Content Creator, I’m making new music, learning, and honing my skills. I found people that were like family to me and believe in my vision and potential, I started doing videos with Riak Dut and his manager 25Drip, one of our videos is close to reaching 1 Million Views. I also got posted on WorldStar, and now I’m getting into new Business ventures in my life. We all got a past, but that doesn’t mean you should stay there, we’re all meant to change and grow. It’s up to you to see where you want to be in life because life is what you make of it. I’m definitely excited for the future and where it leads me in the long run. I want to be able to help and motivate people to do the things that they want in life while being an inspiration to others, but the one thing I can say is God Bless because if you’re close with the Most High, Anything’s possible. I’m still growing, learning, and experiencing life, but making mistakes is how you learn. Keep Going everyone. Live, Laugh, Love.
It’s all about the evolution within your Journey.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It wasn’t a smooth road at all, but you can learn a lot more when you’re basically rock bottom than being at the top of the Pyramid. But it just takes courage, perseverance, consistency, and endurance. You can easily work hard if you know who you are and what you want out of life. If you don’t know what you want in life you’re going to be stuck doing the same things and someone else will prescribe you with a purpose. The most hardest obstacle is figuring out who you are as a person and making sure to control your emotions because you can ruin a lot of opportunities for yourself.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m a Music Artist and Content Creator, my stage name is SIR NVISION. I’m making new music, learning, and honing my skills. I found people that were like family to me and believe in my vision and potential, I started doing videos with Riak Dut and his manager 25Drip, one of our videos is close to reaching 1 Million Views. I also got posted on WorldStar, and now I’m getting into new Business ventures in my life. I’m just proud of the fact that I have not given up, now I can audio engineer. What set me apart from the 99% is my creative prowess and loyalty, I’ll always give you constructive criticism on what can help you and what can’t so that you can weigh out your options and pick out the best option for yourself if someone needs input from an outside source.

Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
I’m a Visual Artist and I can illustrate in any form of style, and I can also graphic design.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Imani Mansfield
Instagram: @imani_photography

Alaaeldin Omar
Instagram: @25drip

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