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Conversations with Jamie Radosevich

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jamie Radosevich

Hi Jamie, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Growing up, I never had a clear vision of what I wanted to do; I just knew I wanted to be proud of it. With my natural empathy and nurturing instincts, taking care of others felt like a solid path toward meaningful success. I dabbled in multiple career paths (often simultaneously), and eventually settled on teaching. Fast forward through earning my bachelor’s degree, and there I was, starting my teaching career—until I realized the passion wasn’t there.

Don’t get me wrong, I have deep admiration for those in the education field. It takes a special kind of person who feels truly fulfilled in that role, but I quickly realized I didn’t feel that way at all. It was tough to face the fact that I had spent four years studying something I no longer felt connected to, but I found solace in trying new things! I kept my nanny job for the summer, continued the personal training business I’d started in college, and took on work as a waitress and bartender at a country club.

Eventually, I found my way into healthcare, starting as an administrative assistant for a mental health organization. I climbed my way up to executive assistant by applying the skills I’d picked up along the way. Meanwhile, I was studying online at Arizona State University, where I earned my master’s degree in psychology just last December. If it’s not obvious by now, I like staying busy! A few months later, I landed a job at a Fortune 50 company as the Sr. Assistant to the Divisional Director of Merchandising in Entertainment.

Needless to say, I’m proud of how far I’ve come. Along the way, I’ve continued to enhance my resume, and currently, I’m working as an event and brand promoter for several companies. It keeps me socially engaged and offers a refreshing break from corporate America. Tapping into my creative side keeps life interesting and fun, which is why I see myself starting a business down the road (hopefully by the end of next year)!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Smooth is definitely not the word I’d use—if you’ve ever seen a rollercoaster, that’s about as accurate as I can make the visual!

Alongside the professional ups and downs of figuring out a career path, I’ve learned that it’s okay not to have all the answers—simple as that. It’s unrealistic to expect someone who’s never stepped into the ‘real world’ to know exactly what they want to do or how to get there. In fact, most people I’ve met feel quite the opposite.

A lot of self-reflection has gone into figuring out what I want to do and who I want to be—and honestly, I’m still working on it! I’m constantly learning, whether it’s through self-development audiobooks, podcasts, staying physically active as a way to relieve stress, or talking with people who have taken unconventional paths. It’s hard sometimes to connect with people who seem to have everything figured out, but the best advice I’ve received has come from those who’ve walked a road like mine. I think some of life’s most important lessons you have to learn from others’ experiences, while teaching yourself how to apply the solutions.

Putting myself out there and making a name for myself has taken real effort and consistency, regardless of what people may say. I’ve never been handed anything, and looking back, I know that’s been a blessing.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I like to think of my work as my personal brand. When you work with me, you’re getting the full package—everything I am and stand for is reflected in how I show up. I bring a unique, energetic approach to my job, always striving to deliver my best. Right now, I’m a Sr. Administrative Assistant at a Fortune 50 company headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, and I’ve been loving it since I started back in April. I’ve always wanted to spread my wings in corporate America, and I’m proud to say I thrive in the fast-paced environment.

One of the best parts about my job is the variety—no two days are ever the same. I get to support multiple leaders across different areas of the business, which keeps me learning about how we drive success. The forward momentum in this role is invigorating, leaving me eager for what the next day will bring. Of course, there are draining moments—what job doesn’t have them? But mastering time and stress management while maintaining my personality is part of the challenge, and that’s what pushes me to be better.

Like I said, I love staying busy. By day, I’m a corporate businesswoman, and by night, I’m a brand ambassador and event promoter. I’m passionate about the live music scene, collaborating with brands to showcase and promote their latest products, and connecting with business owners whose stories inspire me. I’m always focused on elevating my life, and a huge part of that is staying humble—listening to people who’ve achieved more than I have and learning from them. I never want to be the most successful person at the table. I’d rather be the one with the most to learn.

We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
To me, success isn’t just about reaching a specific goal or title—it’s about constantly evolving, learning, and growing into the best version of myself. I define success as the ability to stay true to who I am while challenging myself to achieve more, whether that’s in my career, my personal life, or my relationships. It’s not about having everything figured out, but about navigating the journey with resilience, curiosity, and an openness to learn from others.

Success is also about fulfillment—doing things that energize me and align with my values. If I’m making a genuine impact, staying busy with things that inspire me, and finding joy in both the process and the progress, that’s what success looks like to me. It’s never a static achievement—it’s the ongoing pursuit of becoming better while staying grounded in humility and purpose. IF I’m ever so lucky to say that I have achieved success, the next step for me is to help and teach others do the same.

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