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Exploring Life & Business with Lee Noland of Outkast Tackle

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lee Noland

Hi Lee, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Outkast formed in 2011 and I purchased the company in 2022. I own a couple other comopanies but was interested in the fishing industry because of personal passion their. The reason I bought Outkast is because it had a strong brand presence and I like what it stood for. Outkast Tackle is innovative we were the first to mass produce what was formally know as the preacher jig which we call the Chicken Jig, we were the first to mass produce the micro hair jig we call the Fighter fly. Old ownership and new built our foundation on high-quality jigs, but it wasn’t enough to just slap a hook on some lead and call it a day. From day one, we were obsessed with making something different, something that stood out. And yeah, we know—we’ve been imitated more than once. That’s just part of the game when you’re leading the charge. But while others are busy copying, we’re focused on pushing limits. It’s in our DNA to question the norm and tweak every detail until it’s just right. We aren’t afraid to get a little weird if it means landing bigger fish, and that’s the spirit we carry into every product we design. Each Outkast jig is more than just a tool; it’s an extension of the angler who uses it. We think of our products as problem-solvers, crafted by fishermen for fishermen. Outkast products are designed to help you outthink, outcast, and outfish the competition. Today, Outkast isn’t just another tackle company. We’ve become the brand for those who take fishing seriously—who don’t settle for ‘good enough,’ but demand excellence. We’re for the anglers who’d rather spend their weekends on the water than talking about it. The ones who know that every cast counts and every detail matters. That’s the Outkast way. We’re here for the anglers who know what it means to be different—and embrace it. So, whether you’re new to the game or you’ve been chasing trophies your whole life, Outkast Tackle has your back. We’re not just along for the ride. We’re here to change the game—one jig at a time.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road has been nothing but hurdles, road blocks, and struggles and they aren’t even close to over. We source our products from China and we have had several issues here. Delayed ships at sea, missed delivery deadlines, product failures that pass QC’s ect. We tried moving stuff to USA based production and had more issue with that. Covid bust has pushed an influx of product into the market reducing the prices across the board and taking unneeded space with retailers hurting the whole supply chain.

As you know, we’re big fans of Outkast Tackle. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
Tell us more about your business or organization. What should we know?
Outkast Tackle is more than just a fishing gear company—it’s a movement built by passionate anglers who push the limits of what’s possible in fishing. We’re dedicated to creating innovative, high-performance tackle that helps anglers outthink, outfish, and outperform the competition.

What do you do, what do you specialize in / what are you known for?
We specialize in premium jigs, specifically designed to solve real-world challenges on the water. Outkast Tackle is known for our precision-engineered products that deliver results.

What sets you apart from others?
What sets Outkast apart is our refusal to follow the crowd. Every product we release is the result of relentless tweaking, testing, and innovation. We don’t just imitate the latest trends—we create our own. Our jigs have unique, fish-catching designs that competitors try to copy, but they can never quite match our level of detail and performance.

What are you most proud of brand-wise?
We’re most proud of staying true to our roots while consistently pushing the envelope. Outkast Tackle has always stood for authenticity and quality. Despite being imitated, we’ve maintained our edge by staying ahead of the curve and delivering jigs that give anglers a true competitive advantage.

We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
Outkast Tackle’s view on taking risks is simple: if you’re not willing to take risks, you’ll never lead. From day one, we’ve embraced risk as an essential part of our brand’s DNA. We don’t play it safe or follow trends just because it’s easy. Instead, we push boundaries with every product we design, testing new ideas and materials to see what works—sometimes defying conventional wisdom. We believe that innovation only happens when you’re bold enough to try something different.

Taking risks has allowed us to create products that stand out in a crowded market, and it’s why our gear performs at the highest level when it matters most. Whether it’s a new jig design or a completely fresh approach to fishing tackle, we’re not afraid to break the mold. Playing it safe might keep you in the game, but taking risks is what makes you a leader. At Outkast, we’re here to lead.

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