Today we’d like to introduce you to Johanna Kumm
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Initially, I was terrified of dogs after being bitten when I was a little girl. It took me a while to overcome that fear. I got started in dog training when I was a little girl. I was trying to train my grandma’s dog, Ralph – the sweetest Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix dog. I never had dogs growing up. My first job was in 6th grade, walking my first heart dog – a Border Collie named Molly – every night after school. Fast forward to after college, I was hired at a pet retail store as a trainer. I loved it, but the training was insufficient for me because there were dogs I couldn’t help. Not every dog works for treats. The environment was too stimulating for most dogs (and owners) to start puppy classes. So I went off on my own, read books like crazy, found a couple of mentors, learned what not to do, attended seminars, and launched my own business in 2017 in Bellevue, NE. I met my husband at the end of 2019, we married in 2021 and I moved my business to Lincoln, NE. A year later, we moved our family and my business up to beautiful Shakopee, MN for my husband’s job. I have three dogs that help me with my business. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without them. I love helping people with their dogs. I wish I could train dogs for free. Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
With self employment there is feast to famine. Some months are slow and its hard to make ends meet. I have had some health challenges that have made it hard to do my job. I was in 3 car accidents within 6 months of each other. Jacked up my back pretty bad. Just life. I encourage people of the community to shop small. You literally make the difference between paying bills or not, putting food on our table, or being able to buy Christmas presents for our kids.
We’ve been impressed with Follow Me K9 Training, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
So I actually went to school (Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, MN) for Photography. I use my photography on a daily basis to send photos to owners of their pets. Its fun and definitely my favorite hobby. It helps a lot with marketing to have professional looking photos too!
I offer a variety of dog training services from Private training, board and train, boarding, daycare. I do Rover sitting as extra income. I also offer pack walks which is a way to help dogs learn to be neutral in public – its my version of a group class but the dogs have to have a foundation first. I specialize in pet dog training. I have done lots of work with rescues and fostered probably a dozen dogs. Im so passionate about giving back to my community. Right now I train out of my home. Im hoping to get settled and have my own training space someday and take on mentees.
Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
Mom and dad called me Tigger. I was a bit of a tom boy, growing up with two brothers, we were always climbing trees, fishing, building forts, digging foxholes, shooting our pellet guns, playing army. My favorite place in the world was grandmas farm in Mayetta, KS. I would run the fields of those 80 acres with her dog and my brothers and little sisters. You dont appreicate modern comforts until you have to use an outhouse in the dead of winter or dodge hornets while you are using the bathroom in the summer. Good times… 😅
I loved horses. Horses were my dream. I still love horses and dream of owning one someday.
I was raised in a Lutheran family. One of my mottos is Soli Deo Gloria – Latin for To God alone be the Glory. He has provided everything I need for life. When you aren’t sure when your next paycheck will come, it’s humbling to know God is in control and he will provide for you.
- Pricing and more info can be found on my website: www.followmek9training.com
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.followmek9training.com
- Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/followmek9
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/followmek9
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@followmek9training?si=TiQNCigDcSKeWB_i