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Community Highlights: Meet Maggie Bigalk of MB Fitness

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maggie Bigalk

Hi Maggie, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Hi, My name is Maggie Bigalk. I go by Maggie B. because as you can see, my last names is hard to pronounce πŸ™‚ I am a busy mom of 4, on a mission to make getting healthy and living a healthy lifestyle maintainable and enjoyable! Fitness has always been a passion of mine. It started with sports as a kid. I loved the challenge, the community aspect, the discipline and the push it required. I grew up on a dairy farm so staying active and working hard is all I have ever really known. I never really “worked out” intentionally outside of the occasional after school lifting, or going for runs. When it came time for college, I actually starting going to the gym regularly and became a little too obsessed. The scale and my size slowing consumed me and and my eating habits starting to become obsessive as well.

I dropped out of college after my first year, when I knew I no longer wanted to study special education. I ended up moving back home and attending my local community collage and completed 1 year for child development.

During all this, my love for working out continued but my relationship with food started to decline. I was becoming more and more obsessed with calorie intake, and burning off calories through workouts. I had little knowledge outside of “clean eating” and thought that was the only way! The goal was to become a smaller version of myself, not knowing that didn’t mean the healthiest version. I knew it was bad, but looking back now I don’t think I quite new how bad it was.

When I moved out of my hometown, I started going to an Anytime Fitness and would spend HOURS at the gym. I truly did love the gym, loved seeing everyone in there wanting to get stronger and loved helping people with form and questions regarding their goals. My eating still was not good, I would avoid going out to eat, I would avoid situations where food was involved or I didn’t know the exact nutrition of it, I would even bring my food scales places.

After about 1 year I decided to get my personal training certification and started getting more education on nutrition. This is where things took a turn to the good. Once I starting studying and learning more about nutrition and food the more I became aware what I was doing was not working.

I starting learning about macronutrients (carbs, fats, protein) and how our body needs them and starting understanding less does not mean better, and just because the scale says one things does it does not equal health!!!

I ended up getting married and moving back to my home town where I started managing a Snap Fitness and loved it! I would train clients 1:1 and do group classes.

I started fueling my body for my goals, and stopped weighing myself and focused on strength. I got pregnant with my first son and really wanted to learn as much as I could about nutrition and talking care of my health! It wasn’t about just me now, I need to be there for him.

When my first was born, I was still working at Snap Fitness but was slowing building a small gym in my garage. It was nothing fancy! My Husband made the squat rack from old power line poles, by bench was made from wood, and the weights were from craigslist, but it did the job.

My second son was born about 21 months later and this is where the home workouts starting to come to life. I was now busy with 2 under 2, and had little time to workout. I was still managing Snap Fitness, but starting recording my workouts at home in my garage. They were not pretty, and looking back now I just laugh at them, but at the time, I was doing the best I could with what I had. They were DB and Band only workouts, and only 30 minutes. I created them for busy moms, busy women, and make getting healthy accessible to all.

I created my Private FB book page (Maggie B. Fit Community) and starting going LIVE and posting my full length follow along workouts in there. I got my precision nutrition certification and really dove into being healthy from the inside out.

2017 I created MB Fitness and went full time in 2018 after stepping away from snap fitness!

After I had my daughter in 2018, I struggled majorly with PPD and went to a dark space. I had a very traumatic birth with her and we both survived by the grace of God. I struggled postpartum with finding my spark and passion for life again. I was skipping movement, my diet was not good and just getting through the day was a struggle. I truly believe getting back into movement and eating whole nutritious food is what helped pull me out.

My goal since 2013 was to create my own gym and space to train clients, and record workouts so anyone and everyone could do them “with me” That dream became a reality in 2019 πŸ™‚

In 2023 I finally created my own app. Finally a space where I could create and post my workouts. I could offer filmed workouts, along with gym guides, strength guides and beginner guides. I could post family friendly recipes so you don’t have to feel like eating healthy is boring and you can make ONE meal the whole family can enjoy. I can talk with my clients 1:1 and set up a custom nutrition program to meet them where they are at. Some clients chose to track full calories, carbs, fats and protein, some chose just calories and protein, some I have track by taking photos of food, and some I have just focus on eating sit down meals.

We all want to be healthy. We all know we should move our body. We all know we should eat more fruits and veggies. Having someone in your back pocket that has been through struggles, that helps you know where to start, that checks in with you, that helps you take it one step at a time. that has a busy schedule, and is willing to meet you exactly where you are at in your current season of life is exactly what I aim to be.

It honestly makes me sad thinking about it and knowing that many still struggle with food, and have an unhealthy relationship with it. It makes me sad knowing women all over struggle with self confidence and don’t have anyone to reach out to get the help and accountability they need to make change.

I have been in those shoes, IT’S HARD. At the end of the day, you need to chose your hard. My mission and goal is to be there for you every step of the way and help you become the strongest, healthiest, happiest version of yourself. Confidence comes from daily actions and following through on what you are say you are going to do, I am going to make sure you do just that!

Now as a mom of 4, I would have never in a million years thought I’d be where I am at. I would have never thought I would be helping 1000’s of women. That I would have a healthy relationship with food, a healthy relationship with movement, and be the healthiest happiest version of myself. 2013 self would be proud.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
There are so many times I wanted to quit. From being told I should get a “real job” and so many asking how my “little workout gig” is going. To working from home full time with my kids, the late nights, the weekends, the countless hours that no one sees. When covid hit, I made all of my workouts free, but felt it was needed to make sure everyone could stay healthy and still get workouts in. I’ve had people take my entire business and try to duplicate it entirely. To now, not falling for all the “trends” of diet culture and quick fixes, but staying true to who I am and teaching the basics and fundamental health. Being a full time mom of 4 and running a business is no joke, but I know God is there every step of the way.

As you know, we’re big fans of MB Fitness . For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
The name of my business is MB Fitness. It’s a ONE STOP shop for ALL THINGS related to living a healthy lifestyle! πŸ™‚

I post 5 new 30 minute workout videos weekly that you can push play and follow along! You will also have access to BAND ONLY WORKOUTS that are great for traveling, 20 DB ONLY WORKOUTS when you are short on time, CORE WORKOUTS for a good finisher, GYM GUIDES for the gym goers, beginner guide, pilates inspired workouts and MORE!

I also do 1:1 nutrition coaching. Whether you want macros, recipes, sample meal plans, or just guidance in general, I do all of that though this app! I don’t believe in a cookie cutter programs and I 100% believe that everyone has different needs based on their individual goals. I will work with you 1:1 on find what is going to work best for YOU! I meet you where you are at. There are also 100’s of family friendly recipes at your finger tips that are high in protein and I know everyone will love.

What sets me apart from others, is I am very real and relatable. I will tell it how it is, but also give grace where it’s needed. Having 4 kids myself, I understand the struggle of mom guilt, limited free time, limited me-time, and the feeling of always feeling like you are wearing 10 different hats. I share the good, the bad, the ugly, and I am able to connect with them through my own struggles.

I am very proud knowing my business is built from the ground up and everything that it is today is because I chose to show up every day and never give up.

I want readers to know, that they CAN reach their goals. No one is too old, too young, too far gone, too anything to make a change and decide to improve their quality of life. I am ready when you are πŸ™‚

If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
I am definitely a people person. I love to talk, some would say maybe too much πŸ™‚ But being able to relate to my clients, understanding the busy, and different seasons of life is key. I am very good at making connections with people. On the business side, I don’t stop until I reach my goal. I will outwork anyone in the room because that’s just how I was raised. When I get an idea in my head, I will do it. When I have a goal, I’ll do whatever it takes to reach it.


  • The app is $34.99/month
  • My Facebook page is free

Contact Info:

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