Today we’d like to introduce you to Michelle Wall
Michelle, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I moved to Duluth in 2010 to marry my current husband and worked at a few places in Duluth, knowing that I needed my own space. In 2011, I started in Hermantown in Gordy’s plaza. 2014 Infinity was started with Lauren Riddell. We underwent many changes, expansions, and learning to run a business. 2021, we moved to our current space, paid for the build-out, and opened in November 2021. We are a team of 45, an exceptional team at that! We have fun, laugh, cry, eat, and greatly respect each other. We have created a dreamy, safe place to work
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
In the beginning, it was learning how to keep employees booked. We did not have a storefront or good signage. I knew if we had that, it would be a game-changer!
Struggles are managing 45 people, it can be challenging at times.
As you know, we’re big fans of Infinity Massage & Wellness. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
We allow our people to be themselves, and we welcome all! Recently, an employee said this was their safe place to go. That tells you something! We listen to our team, who have brilliant ideas, and honestly chat amongst themselves. We are supportive and offer flexibility in the workplace. We are an employee—and customer-driven business. We provide several benefits to our team. We have very unique and diverse retail products. We don’t want to have what others have, and Lauren spends so much time and care picking out quality products. We let our therapists and esticiticans excel in the areas they are passionate about. No cookie-cutter services! I am proud of the team that we are! The front desk receptionist are like no other! I have some of the best folks and exceptional customer service. I am beyond thrilled with each of them!
Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
I love taking walks outside with my dog, Syd. I also enjoy the outdoors, getting facials and massages, and eating! Food is my love language, so the team often benefits from it!
Workwise, reading reviews and having conversations with employees and managers. When we work together.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://infinitymassageduluth.com
- Instagram: @infinitymassageduluth
- Facebook: infinitymassageduluth