Today we’d like to introduce you to Jess Kreuser
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I started studying astrology back in 2018 out of curiosity and a long-time fascination with the night sky. What started out as a new concept to learn quickly budded into an obsession. I continued to do a lot of self study for the first few years and attended my first school in 2020, fully graduating from it in 2022. I began to build an online presence for myself and starting offering readings in the beginning of 2023. I started out offering a lot for free, trying to get practice and really honing in on my own approach. Though I was deeply enjoying the work, I felt like there was something missing within my practice and in Sept of 2023 I entered into a year long Evolutionary Astrology certification program that completely shifted my approach and understanding of this beautiful cosmic language. The last year I have been in the thick of that first-year-of-business grunt work and committing most of my free time and energy into building a passion project from the ground up. I still offer a variety of readings and host events in the Minneapolis area with the intention of sharing my wisdom and introducing others to the amazing tool that astrology can be. Currently, I am working through a hypnosis and energy healing certification and am really looking forward to what this new modality will add to my astrology practice.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I can’t say that it hasn’t been “smoothe”, but it has been slow. I take what I do very seriously and operate from a place of high integrity within my work. This means that it has taken me longer to fully step into the path and leadership role. I’ve learned from many mentors over the years and have gotten lost in the “details” rather than just going for it. That has recently changed though and I feel as if the years of studying, prep work, and real-world application have finally come full circle and I feel fully embodied in my work. Another big struggle I’ve had, and continue to navigate often, is the ability to take up space with this unique and unconventional path. I believe that we all have gifts to give back to the world – and when we suppress these parts of ourselves, we are ultimately doing a disservice to ourselves but also to the collective at large. This belief has changed my approach and I am stepping into this in a much bigger, more public way.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Gemini Jess Astrology?
My practice is currently focused on utilizing the tool of astrology as a way to improve your life, relationships, and every other area of your life through connecting you to your natal birth chart. I am certified in a kind of astrology called “Evolutionary Astrology” which approaches it through the lens of the 12 archetypes (zodiac signs) as the foundational experiences of human existence. It is through the comprehension and embodiment of these 12 energetic flavors that we experience the world. I approach astrology with curiosity and an open mind, allowing it to be a tool rather than an outcome. Rather than utilizing it to judge ourselves and others, I see it as an opportunity to explore yourself and the world around you in a very empowering way. My ultimate intention with my work is to give people the permission to become an active participant in their own life; stepping back into the driver’s seat by making small daily changes to their limiting behaviors and beliefs that will improve every aspect of their life.
The thing that I feel the most proud of within my brand is my ability to bridge the gap between complex problems and real-life application; it’s useless if I can’t make it accessible, practical, and tangible for my clients. I’d also like to repeat that I approach this with less judgement and more curiosity. People often come to me for my honest, compassionate approach and my ability to balance cosmic insights with real-life. They’re completely personalized experiences designed to help people feel seen, validated, and inspired. I’ve cultivated a space where people feel safe to explore their astrology journey without judgment. Watching people light up when something finally clicks in their chart or seeing them find peace with parts of themselves is incredibly fulfilling.
I want readers to know that astrology isn’t about predicting your future – it’s about understanding your energy and how to work with it. My offerings – from personalized readings, events, and educational resources, are all designed to help people build a meaningful connection with the human experience.
Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
The biggest thing I’ve learned over the past year or so is that you need to put yourself in spaces you actually want to be a part of. I attended a lot of women-only events and struggled to connect with them until I realized I was putting myself in the wrong events. Once I found my niche; things like moon circles, cacao ceremonies, and other spirituality-focused groups, I started to make amazing connections. It’s been such a gift to find community that I can actually identify and connect with. When we put ourselves in spaces we desire to be a part of, we will naturally attract in the kind of people who can get us to where we want to be. Authenticity is EVERYTHING.
In terms of mentoring, I think it is important to work with different mentors from different backgrounds and approaches. It can be a big investment but investing in your business will return to you 10 fold. Trying different containers like group programs can also be great because you can learn so much from other people in the same boat.
- Events range from $30-50
- 1:1 sessions range from $185=$250
- Private events range from $200-500/hour
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.geminijessastrology.com/
- Instagram: @gemini_jesss