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Rising Stars: Meet Cassie Temple of Fargo/Moorhead

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cassie Temple

Hi CASSIE, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hello! I started my trek into entrepreneurship once I realized that the W2 life just wasn’t for me. I came home one night after a bad day at work and thought, “I’m too young to hate my job this much”. I was 29 years old, not married, no kids. I knew that if I was going to take the leap, it had to be now.

I started my career in insurance sales. Super exciting, I know 😉 But my goal was stability. A career that starts low and slow but grows over time while building relationships with business owners. I have done group health insurance sales since 2017. My company, Benefits Plus, is a branch of Payroll Professionals so we offer full employee benefit consulting + payroll services.

My background and degree are in Marketing. In 2019 I was really missing the creativity so I was helping a few friends with their small business marketing on the side. Mostly for fun, but also for a little extra income. Then 2020 and Covid hit and when the world slowed down I really wanted to help these small and medium sized businesses. I started offering free social media advice to anyone who needed it. The beauty of the insurance industry is that while I was home, my income didn’t completely come to a halt. I decided to put that extra time to use helping businesses for free.

In 2021 I had my daughter and when I went back to work, I was turning away many businesses for Marketing because in my mind, my business was insurance. I didn’t even tell people that I was helping with Marketing on the side, it just came up in conversation. I decided to give it one year. I would tell people I help with Marketing for one year and just see what happens.

Beyond Marketing was born and I honestly wasn’t prepared for the growth. I’ve had to hire, terminate, adjust our processes, and really work through some growing pains. I’m so fortunate now to have a team of people along side me that are as committed to our clients as I am.

While building both businesses I’ve remained active in a few organizations in town. I’ve served on the Board of Directors for the Moorhead Business Association for 6 years as well as the current Board Chair for The Lotus Center. I have dedicate a significant amount of time and resources to both organizations because when the world slowed down during Covid and I was able to volunteer my time, I vowed to continue that work in some capacity long-term. My businesses are so fun and they provide an income but the volunteer work gives me a purpose outside my family and business.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I have faced many challenges along the way. A few of those challenges include:
1. Finding the right team for Beyond Marketing
2. Losing a significant amount of revenue in my second year in business back in 2018 which caused me to completely re-evaluate my insurance company
3. Helping develop a non-profit’s organizational structure so it serves their mission but operates like a business

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
For both of my businesses I really specialize in helping small and medium sized businesses. For Benefits Plus, that includes groups that have 2-80 employees. For Beyond Marketing that includes businesses that don’t need a large agency but need significant marketing services. When I first when on my own and starting working for myself I was told 2 things by multiple people:

1. You can’t do both – you have to choose one
2. You need to focus on large businesses only to be successful

Clearly, I disagree. Who you surround yourself with plays a huge part in your long-term success and as soon as I surrounded myself with the right people, I learned quickly that I CAN have both businesses (thanks to my teams) and I can serve smaller businesses while still being successful. Plus, success is relative. I’m proud of myself for never wavering in my commitment to businesses of all sizes.

Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
I have a food blog! I’m currently revamping the website and recipes but I started it in 2017 and have neglected it over the years with work and starting a family but I’m having the website redone now and will have it launched this Spring. The website is – we focus on whole foods + simple recipes. Cooking is relaxing to me and I’ve always loved sharing these recipes with others. I have an Instagram page with a decent little following and that’s what I work on when I need some productive relaxation.

I’m also running my first full marathon this year in June. I’ll be running Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN. I did a couple half marathons last year and I’m extremely intimidated but really excited for it!

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