Today we’d like to introduce you to David Fallon.
Hi David, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
“David, you’re going to college. And you are going to study art.” The words of a high school art teacher. So I went to college in Los Angeles for art and design, graduating with a BFA in Studio Art. For many years I worked in Graphic and Marketing design. Yet it wasn’t fulfilling, and I gradually grew disillusioned with it. Eventually, I left the field entirely, choosing to work in sales instead. But I continued to dream of being an artist. To tell my story through art and then life happened. In 2014 I had intensive brain surgery to treat epilepsy. My life came to a screeching halt. So did my dreams. It was as if I had given up on life. And then, COVID happened. And so did my transition from turning my long-lost dream into a reality. Morning, noon, and night, I was either drawing, painting, taking photos, making notes, or absorbing vitality. And then a friend asked me, “why aren’t you an artist? You could be.” And I thought back to that instructor from high school. I worked long, hard hours and learned to tell my stories visually. I called local galleries and businesses, and I looked for art events. One hit. Then another. ‘You never know unless you try.’, I kept telling myself. Then I met another artist of color. They were having a show at the Walker Art Center. ‘How do you do it?’ I asked. ‘What would you tell another Black artist, trying to break through?’. Their answer was profound. ‘Don’t try to do it alone.’ They were right. Connect, network, and ask questions.
Don’t try to do it alone. Today, I’m an actively producing and exhibiting multimedia artist. With the help of Springboard For The Arts and the Metro Regional Arts Council, I secured funding to found The Open Doors Project. We’re dedicated to increasing accessibility to the arts for others. I became active with the Minnesota Access Alliance, another program dedicated to accessibility to the arts. I was told (among other things), “Don’t try and do it alone.” Knowing how art has changed my life, I want to offer others that opportunity too. I need to be there, helping others. I believe I have a social responsibility. So they don’t have to do it alone.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Life is never a smooth road; It’s always full of surprises. I struggled with my disability, epilepsy. I struggled with mental health issues. I struggled with the rest of the world Covid, the murder of George Floyd, January 6th. I questioned myself. ‘What am I doing?’ ‘My life isn’t going anywhere.’ ‘How do I do this living thing? The world changes, and life changes. It’s bumpy, beautiful, messy, and magnificent. And sometimes, it’s just another Tuesday. ‘Don’t try and do it alone, they had told me.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I specialize in multimedia visual art and focus on identity and empowerment issues; I discuss disabilities, gender identity, and physical self-love. I have 2 neurological conditions epilepsy and synesthesia. Synesthesia makes it possible for me to hear color. My artist is probably most recognizable for my use of color. That is because I typically let synesthetic experiences set the color palettes I use. For example, Erik Satie’s musical composition Gymnopedies manifests itself visually in various shades of pink. So, I think of synesthesia as a super ability that walks hand in hand with my disability. I am most proud of my work involving accessibility to the arts.
Had we love to hear about your fond memories of growing up?
I was playing a piano duet at a recital when I was 7. I don’t think either of us could read the music, but that didn’t stop us from having fun.
Contact Info:
- Website: davidfallonart.com
- Instagram: @stylo_erotique
Jean Ann
October 23, 2022 at 6:34 am
David, these are wonderful, and so are you. I am so proud. Thanks for sharing, and keep up with your dreams, and passions.
It’s what will make and keep you whole!!