Today we’d like to introduce you to Hannah Sapp.
Hi Hannah, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I started buying and selling vintage furniture (mainly) in the fall of 2020. I was living with my mom & my infant daughter in South Minneapolis at the time in the midst of a pandemic. My mom and I started to realize that we could buy furniture online and fix it up to sell for more $.. it mainly started out of pure boredom and a need to get out of the house because we had been cooped up in the house for months together.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Stormy seas don’t make skilled sailors…as they say. No! It hasn’t been a smooth road, it has had its complications/struggles here and there throughout the whole course of starting/running my business but ultimately, it has made me a stronger business owner and mother in general. Some of the struggles in the beginning were- not having a good place to work where I could stage nice pictures, work on pieces without being distracted, etc, etc.. the space I was using wasn’t “bad” per say- just difficult to work from home with distractions and limited space/area to work/stage. Sometimes we struggle with locating pieces for decent prices. More and more now, it seems we struggle with this because there are more people doing what we do since we started a little over 2 years ago now. My most recent struggle has been trying to juggle being a stay at home mom (with little to no childcare the last few months until just recently), while also running my small business, productivity, getting stuff done at home, etc. This has been my biggest struggle to date. Being a parent to a toddler is already a full time job.. being a full time mom to a toddler AND a small biz owner is a whole different ball game.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Century Clash Studio?
Century Clash Studio was technically started by my mom & myself. My mom still works for me behind the scenes with being my personal Facebook marketplace shopper (lol) & my childcare when she can.. that being said, We both pride ourselves on bringing good quality, good condition, vintage items to the shop and to our instagram feed for purchase!! We specialize in vintage furniture mainly (MCM, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, groovy, fun, in-your-face stuff is what we like!!) but I also sell home decor, home goods, etc., and would like to get more into selling smalls because I have so many of them.
A lot of vintage sellers/resellers in general will shop at thrift stores/second-hand stores more than anywhere else. I pride myself in sourcing items elsewhere besides for thrift shops… not saying that I don’t ever enjoy going thrift shopping or I don’t occasionally go thrifting and resell my findings but I don’t find as much joy in thrifting because there usually isn’t a story connected to the item you’re purchasing…there is a story but you don’t learn the story through the thrift store. I try to source a lot of my inventory from the families of relatives who have passed and the family is cleaning out the home… I also go to a lot of estate sales and also buying personally from people who have collected in the past and are slimming down their collections, etc.! To me, selling vintage isn’t just about the money and the fact that people want this cool older stuff…. its about the hundreds of stories that I have been told about these pieces, their histories, the families they used to belong to, etc… the stories are what matter the most and are the closest to my heart. I also love love love the people I meet through what I do. It’s truly the best!
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Growing up, I was kind of awkward and weird.. at least in my opinion. I was never the popular kid but also never the “nerd”, either. I mainly kept to myself and my small friend group. I’ve always kind of been the black sheep of my family though. End of middle school/beginning of my high school years my personality started coming out more and more. I started dying my hair crazy colors, wearing a lot of makeup. I didn’t care what people thought of me and the way i dressed/looked. I wasn’t a very good student in high school. It’s not that I didn’t like school because I did like the social aspect and certain subjects but school just wasn’t my thing and I didn’t try super hard. Growing up, I played a lot of sports- my favorite being basketball & volleyball but when I got to high school, I didn’t continue to play sports through my school’s teams because I didn’t think I would be good enough. PLUS- I didn’t want to spend all of my time outside of school still at school practicing, playing, etc. I was in choir in high school but it was just normal choir- not show choir (which my school was known for). Looking back on it- I wish I had done better in school, applied myself more and participated in more activities…
I have always been creative. Not necessarily with art but I’ve always loved to write, interior design, etc.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.instagram.com/centuryclashstudio/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/centuryclashstudio/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centuryclashstudio
- Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=century+clash+studio
Image Credits
Rachael Henn (main photo)