Today we’d like to introduce you to Kasia Muzyka.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I’m an intuitive painter, clothing designer, and mother of an 8-year-old boy. Since childhood, I have explored an intrinsic urge to create. Moving through dance, singing, and music schools with countless hours of practice, I started to feel a sense of lost expression that called to me to be transformed into visual art. My energy to paint came later in life, almost from a different language within me. I felt like this expression was imprisoned for many years, waiting for a catalyst to set it free. My first acrylic paintings evoked such emotion that only then I begin to understand the true artistic expression within. Over time, my paintings inspired me to launch Call 2 Love, a wearable art clothing line. I design these garments with the intention of connecting each person to the energy of my paintings.
Driven by a holistic approach to personal growth, over the past 20 years I’ve enriched my development through the study of mysticism, yoga, and old shamanic traditions. My curiosity pushed me to search for a deeper meaning of life in alchemical philosophy and Jungian psychology. All of this soul exploration has ignited an artistic passion within me, and has deeply impacted my creative process. I paint today to bring to light messages that come from beyond the veil. I treat my Art as a tool to connect with the Heart and to heal.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
For many years, I had been searching for a means of expressing myself creatively. I struggled to get out of my own way, I was battling with myself and my limited beliefs about who I am and what I’m capable of.
It is a battle that is permanent within the human psyche and every hero movie is based upon. I believe that our journey is to overcome this battle between the light and dark sides of our own nature in order to recognize that who we truly are is a spark of a larger force. The search for our true selves is to connect with our unique gifts, talents, and abilities to support what we are here to share with others.
My paintings reflect the expression of the call that’s deep within each of us, hence Call2Love as the name for my company. As part of my creative work, I offer intuitive coaching for my high end clients so that they can connect with their own intuition. In doing so, they can use their intuition as a tool to create and succeed in any area of life, whether it’s personal or professional. At the end what I was battling with became a source of inspiration and motivation to work and create more.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
In order to create my intuitive art, I set the stage and space for the message to come. Each painting comes to me as an answer to the themes of life that we all experience, but sometimes only reach on a surface level. My art has the ability to connect others on levels beyond the mind to reach into the depths of the observer’s soul. The purpose is to ignite the passion, love, and call of their own heart and simply embrace the part of them that is always connected with everything through time and space. To return to the magic that makes everything tick, that makes the heart beat, and makes everything possible.
Through my art, I convey the energy of the situation or the person in which I’m painting, in order to answer the question beyond logical understanding. Being it a song or a person, I can draw the energetic portrait of that which I’m painting – making visible things that cannot be seen, only felt. Through this, the subject can be seen intuitively, beyond their limited perspective. What we see is not what it is, because we only see through the filter of our own perception. My aim is to take the viewer through a transformative experience to reach the states of consciousness that are beyond our everyday understanding.
The creation of my clothing line serves the same purpose. It’s the combination of the colorful fashion with the dose of heart. There is a story behind each piece and a strong statement to: “Wrap Yourself In The Fabric Of Love.”
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
The most important practices that are part of my everyday life are meditation and envisioning as a way to connect, raise the vibration of love, and live a life guided by intuition. This allows me to act on the richness of that guidance and embrace the bigger picture that life has for me. My purpose is to be of service to others through my creative work. Visit my website to learn more about my process and the energetic imprint I hope to leave behind.
Contact Info:
- Email: kasia@kasiamuzyka.com | kasia@call2love.com
- Website: www.kasiamuzyka.com | www.call2love.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kasiamuzyka/ | https://www.instagram.com/call2love2021/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kasiamuzykaArt | https://www.facebook.com/call2love2021
Image Credits
Megan Stezka