Today we’d like to introduce you to Dana Chase
Hi Dana, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Dana Chase is my pen name.
It began with a whisper from my intuition that I first heard in my early 20s. The message was to write a book. The message was recurring yet I remained bewildered by the notion and failed to make any legitimate efforts toward writing a book. Decades later I’m now in my 50’s when my once blessed life takes a horrific turn of fate. My identical twin sons, in their late teens, begin to descend into the hellscape of heroin addiction and all of its terrifying consequences. An idyllic midwestern values-inspired upbringing was not enough to save our family for what lay ahead. So many times I was on my knees begging for a solution, praying for grace, hoping to find a way to rescue my sons from themselves. Until one night, Chapter 24, I’m pleading with God, WHY? And the answer I got was,……
“This happened for a reason, you Brad, and your sons came into this lifetime so you’d live this experience. The four of you agreed, on a soul level, to live this story so that you would write the book and it would help others.
…’ So this is the book that has been whispering to me all these decades?
……Yes, you were always destined to write it, you just had to live the story first.’
And so in 2015, I began to write In Spite of Heroin, not knowing how it would open, what I’d include, or how it would end. I just knew I had to begin. Writing it was not cathartic, it was painful and difficult for two reasons, I was writing about our lives while still fully immersed in the painful experience. I was simultaneously the author and the protagonist. While writing it I was living in real time what would become future pages. The second reason it was difficult was that I’m well-read and I won’t read a poorly written book, so I was unwilling to write one. Holding myself to a high level of writing skills required discipline and tenacity which was a challenge for me, especially while living in despair
Getting published traditionally is nearly impossible when you’re not a celebrity, don’t have a platform, debut author, and it’s narrative non-fiction. Although I sent out over 50 query letters I was unable to acquire a literary agent. In September 2015 I self-published In Spite of Heroin with AuthorHouse. I did my best to promote it but as a self-published author you can only go so far and I went as far as I could go, then I let go of my hopes of reaching a vast audience. I quietly resumed my life and continued for over a decade to manage the consequences of my son’s addiction issues.
Then November 19th.2024, I found what I thought was yet another opportunist looking to scam a self-published author. As a self-published author, those types of emails arrived in my inbox monthly. This one was different, and it led to where I am with the book today, which is co-writing the screenplay adaptation with a WGA screenwriter. The plan is to have 2-3 seasons (15-20 episodes) of streaming content. I have been on pitch calls with production company executives and early on the interest is legitimate. The screenplay will be done in early summer and we’ll find out if there is a buyer for it. The page in The Hollywood Reporter on 2.5.25 (20 million subscribers) was to introduce me to the film industry.
I am now busy writing the screenplay and pursuing opportunities as a spokesperson offering keynotes, workshops and retreats for audiences seeking epic inspiration. My platform is ‘How to find greater purpose and fulfillment even amid challenging times.’ Meanwhile, I still face the challenges of one of my twin son’s addiction issues.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It’s been grueling being the mother of addicts. People often comment, ‘I can’t even imagine.” In Spite of Heroin paints a vivid picture of the unimaginable experience from the mother’s perspective.. The challenge of getting discovered and bringing my story to a vast audience, as I believe it is destined, is also a challenge. Although it’s nothing in comparison to the struggle of managing the despair and concern for my son’s well-being and survival, which continues to be ongoing..
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
As an author, I have two more books coming Spring 2025. In Spite of Heroin is narrative non-fiction. Next is Intuition A-Z, self-help which is a companion to ISOH as it dives into explaining intuition, a predominant theme in ISOH. I am also publishing a children’s picture book If Wishes Were Rainbows, which explores virtues through verse and metaphors. In all, I’ll have three books from three different genres.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
Instead of luck, I will call it fate, destiny, and its role has been 100% Because of my elevated EQ, and reliance and respect for my intuition I have recognized my fate for what it is. Please read the Home Page on my website for details. www.danachaseauthor.com
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Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.danachaseauthor.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danachaseauthor/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61572480345603
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dana-chase-brands/
- Twitter: https://x.com/danachaseauthor