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Conversations with Suzanne Krasnow

Today we’d like to introduce you to Suzanne Krasnow

Hi Suzanne, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
In 2015, I was medically retired from the United States Air Force as a Master Sergeant. I had developed a disorder called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and could no longer remain on active duty. I developed POTS after an adverse reaction to a medical procedure required by the USAF. At this point, I was starting everything over. The plan I had for my life changed overnight. I had to relearn how to walk. I often used a wheelchair and needed assistance doing most basic tasks. While I was using the wheelchair I found I could not find products on the market that actually met my needs to hold things like my cellular phone. I had basic sewing skills and decided to design my own. As I progressed through learning my new normal and working with the doctors to get to a better point with my disorder, I found there were many other people looking for similar type products. I took a chance and began my Etsy shop, Warrior Angel Creations. I have been making and selling the wheelchair products I designed ever since. In 2019, I started my second journey. I discovered this crazy cool dry nail polish called Color Street. This product was game changing for me on so many levels because I could start being more girly and doing something fun for myself. I didn’t realize that it would become so much more. In 2020, I joined Color Street and that is when my life really started to improve. I had my Etsy store that gave me a creative outlet and I had Color Street that gave me the community I desperately needed. In July 2022, I learned I had stage 3 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. They linked my cancer to my multiple deployments while I was on active duty. My Color Street family was already a crucial part of my life, but once I learned I had cancer they became the team that kept me sane. I am still battling cancer. In March 2024, I stopped responding to my treatments. It’s an ongoing battle but now I have chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation treatments. While battling cancer I have made it my life’s mission to keep people well informed on what I am going through, setting and hitting crazy high goals to prove that a life changing diagnosis does not mean you have to stop living. This past summer I was recognized by Color Street for being #9 in the company for number of parties hosted. I am still incredibly proud of that!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
No, it absolutely has not been. There is nothing more devastating than having your life changed overnight. Sadly, I have experienced this more than once. When I developed POTS I went into a terrible depression. I had a 5-year plan. I was going to retire from the USAF and continue working in some form of federal law enforcement. When all of that changed overnight, I did not handle it well. Even when I started my Etsy it was a hobby initially, something to distract me from all the changes I could not control. It wasn’t until around 2020 that I really started to pull myself together and believe in myself again. When I got told I had cancer, I was devastated again. I did everything I could to be positive and keep going to be an example for my son. The biggest blow, that still makes me cry was the day I was told I was no longer responding to my cancer treatments. I always though the word “you have cancer” were some of the worst you could hear. “You are no longer responding to treatments” is much worse. I am still struggling with this and worried about my next scan. There are days I still crumble. I have been very honest on my social media about all that I am dealing with. The good, the bad and the awful. I am great some days and other’s I cannot stop crying.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am 100% self-employed and have two jobs. I create, design and sew wheelchair accessories to help people with simple things like having their phone handy but secured so they don’t drop it when they are out and about. My products are more designed for individuals that use wheelchairs that have arm rests. I have expanded into making other products, but my wheelchair line is the main line I produce. I completely designed these myself after struggling with holding on to my cell phone. I am also a Color Street Stylist. I initially joined the company because I knew I would need all the nail polish in my life. The next thing I knew, I had a team, I was having a blast, I was allowed to get creative and have fun nails I could never afford to have done at a salon. The main reason Color Street was such a major positive change in my life is it got me out of my house. It helped me find a purpose again amongst people. I had been self-isolating so badly, that it was a determent to my health and wellness. I am most proud of the fact that with both of my companies I get to help people. I forgot how much I loved helping people. I take pride in the fact that I get to do this daily.

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
I don’t remember what age I was, but I remember driving home from my Great Grandma’s house on Christmas Eve. My mom suddenly pulled the car over and told us all to get out. My two brothers and I were so confused. We did what she said and then she instructed us to look up. This was the first time I saw the Northern Lights in person. To this day, I often think of the peace and love we shared that Christmas Eve witnessing something so magical.

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