Today we’d like to introduce you to April Onstad.
Hi April, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
My Grandfather was a photographer, he took photos during WWII and Also taught Photography classes at Oregon State University. He was never without a camera in his hands. It was in my genes to follow in his footsteps, my camera went everywhere I did for as long as I can remember.
I began studying Photography at The American High School of Surrey, located in England, which I believe started my sails towards a lifetime of capturing life through a lens. In 1995, I had the honor of being photographed by a hero of photography, Kieron “Spud” Murphy. In my one session with him, he taught me how to affirm the person on the other side of my lens to feel their very best.
To point to all the beauty and help people to see that no one sees the personal flaws that you do. After that session, I spent a semester at The American College of London where my love for writing and Photography came together through amazing instructors. By 1999, I was working as a freelance photographer and have had the passion continue to grow and expand to this day.
In 2009, one year after my fourth son was born, I learned that I had a brain tumor the size of a baseball. I had been handed two options upon finding out, have brain surgery now, or pass away in a few weeks. I needed a 13-hour surgery, and I did not know if I would ever wake up. I stared endlessly into my one-year-old son’s eyes trying to leave a piece for him to remember.
As soon as I woke up, I wish that I hadn’t. I was paralyzed on the right side of my entire body, deaf in one ear, wheelchair-bound, and the most excruciating pain known to man. Seven nerves in my face were now misfiring and I was diagnosed with what is called “the suicide disease” acute trigeminal neuralgia.
I had a misconception that if the tumor came out and I survived I would be back to normal. But my journey became that of finding a new normal. I fought tooth and nail to be able to walk again. Years spent in physical therapy; I spent years going to a facial pain therapist to get my mouth moving again.
Years went to pain clinics only to catch Meningitis which was somehow worse than the tumor. But then one faithful day the Mayo Clinic offered me the chance of becoming patient #12 to receive a cortical brain implant to take the pain away. And the moment, I woke up from another 13-hour brain surgery I was pain-free.
Today, my fight is against broken bones in my back that won’t heal, and a tumor on my L5 that is mean. But I am not where I was once. The power of fighting is so very real. Speaking life when so many people have spoken the opposite. I have spent my new lease speaking hope, love, and light whenever I am presented with the opportunity. Because hope is the spark that ignites the flame of belief.
If I were to survive this, it would be for a reason. So many people came to my side to help my family while I lay in bed for almost five years. Meals, cars, carpeting, anything we needed it just seemed to appear. Sometimes from people we knew, and sometimes nameless. I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to give in any capacity that I could as well.
And as I got better that door opened up for me through my love for photography. I started by giving sessions away to everyone who helped me. Then my business seed was planted as I offered photography sessions in exchange for donations towards mission trips and free photography for health needs families. And from there, my new world.
Light in the Valley was found when my valley walking was dark and isolating. And the light was delivered by faith and by the people who felt led. I now live on a little hobby farm that I have turned into a photography farm. So many days I can not drive because of the pain and what a gift it is to be able to walk outside to my clients.
I have a disease called NF2, which causes benign tumors to grow in my brain, spine, knees, and arms. When the tumors cause me too much nerve pain, they have to come out. At the moment, while I still operate in as much full-time mode as possible, I suffer tremendous pain. I currently have a tumor in my spine that presses on some major nerves, and we are debating another surgery.
Every bit of pain leaves during every photoshoot. Just gone. It seems to be the one thing that completely takes my brain out of the pain. To me, that is every indication that I am on the right path. I live each day so thankful for each experience, good and bad because that is how we learn and grow.
In 2021, my little world grew again with the invitation of New Folk Records to become their social media manager and photographer. Within the past two years, I have had the honor of photographing four album covers for local musicians. All of the dreams of my heart come true despite all of the odds. A huge piece of my story of preserving is that I strongly believe that no matter what you are up against, no matter what your age, you can still achieve your dreams.
In fourteen years, I have had five brain surgeries (2020, being the most recent) six back surgeries, chemical meningitis, and countless surgeries on my legs and arms all to help fight this disease. But my story will never be that I was a victim of this disease. It will be about overcoming and love and light despite.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been relatively smooth so far?
Without the struggles I have faced I know I would not be who I am today. Many doctors did not believe me about my symptoms. Many people spoke things that made me doubt my capabilities.
What I have learned from that is that we are responsible to advocate for ourselves and when someone tells you, that you can not achieve something, you just have to turn away and show them what you can achieve on your own.
I try to never get to a “why me” place when it comes to my illness. The moment I do get that place is the moment I find a new will to fight and more opportunities come my way.
My father and mother play a huge role in me believing in myself. My Father, Ken Onstad worked for Minnesota’s own Musicland Group all of my childhood years. Which gave me a deep love for music, but he also placed my first camera in my hands.
Every time I am about to break, I can call them and they know the exact thing to say to get me to the next day. Having the right people in your corner is everything towards fulfilling your dreams.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I have been a photographer my entire life. Trained since high school then in College photojournalism became my passion.
I started in the Plymouth area. I got the idea way back in 2010 to advertise on the Facebook garage sale sites and my business just took off from there. My business became 100% word of mouth and I just love each of my clients so much. Through my father’s musical connections, I have had the opportunity to photograph Vanilla Ice, Salt N Peppa, Willie West, Nolen Sellwood, and many more artists.
People always ask me what my favorite form of photography is and that is a hard one for me. I love the music, but I am honored by capturing families. When I get four generations together at once. It just makes my heart so happy. The newborns who I get to watch grow up through my lens.
There is so much joy in all of it. But I have to say that my absolute favorite sessions are my giving sessions. Where I meet a little boy who was born with a brain tumor and I get to photograph him with his family. Or my little buddy Hunter, who was born and immediately had to have open heart surgery. I drove to Children’s Hospital without hesitation to take his newborn photos as a gift to his family whom I have come to just adore.
I think what sets me apart is that I am not just a photographer, I am a listener to my clients, and I meet them where ever they are in life and do everything I can to capture their love.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
The biggest thing is that I was told again and again that I would not survive and each day that I am here I do all that I can to appreciate the gift of the day and try to spread that outlook as much as possible.
Also with the love of my family and my boys, I do not know if I would be where I am today. The greatest gift has been to be able to watch them grow up into successful young men.
Websites: Https://, Https://, and Https://
Contact Info:
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- Instagram: @lightinthevalleyphotography
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Image Credits
Kieron “Spud” Murphy and Caitlin Popp’s Photography