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Daily Inspiration: Meet MaKenzie Franklin

Today we’d like to introduce you to MaKenzie Franklin.

Hi MaKenzie, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
On September 13th, 2020, my boyfriend and I were in a motorcycle accident that resulted in my left leg being amputated above the knee.

My Apple Watch was the resource I used to call 911 myself while applying my hands as a tourniquet on my groin where my femoral artery was lacerated. My leg was completely mangled and I knew blood loss was my immediate threat. The local first responders arrived and performed their life-saving skills to get my boyfriend and I helicoptered to Mayo in Rochester in record time. After two weeks of multiple surgeries to try and save my left leg, my medical team agreed that my life was going to make the most sense if we amputated. I was extremely relieved and scared, but ready to tackle this new life head-on. I knew that this was my second chance to fully live my life without hesitation, without waiting for the “right time,” because the “right time,” is now. Life is precious and can be gone within a matter of seconds. The cliche things started to truly make sense. I promised God while laying in the ditch that if he saved me, I would never just say I was going to live life to the fullest, but I would truly do just that.

Since losing my leg, I have continued to fulfill that promise. I made it into the USA Woman’s Paralympic Sitting Volleyball Team. I am considered an “extended try-out athlete,” at the moment and my goal is to officially make the team this year. I have, also, obtained a running blade and began running again. Another leg I have acquired is the MotoKnee and VersaFoot2, which is locally made by Mike Schultz of St. Cloud Minnesota. This knee and foot allow me to ride my dirtbike, and snowboard, and lift heavy again.

I would never change a single thing that happened the on day of the accident. I never wish, for a second, it didn’t happen. I believe this accident not only brought me and my boyfriend, Devon, closer but truly gave me the chance to live correctly this time around. Never half do things, never say I will do something and not follow through, be a better friend, a better girlfriend, a better daughter, a better coach…Go out and inspire others to do all of the same. I have a purpose so much larger than myself and thinking about the rest of my life truly excites me.

During my stay at the hospital, I would use the phrase “Shit’ll Buff.” This phrase came to me while laying in the hospital bed, battling the ongoing challenges that were thrown at me. I was raised by a welder and I thought of the rough patches in life as a piece of metal, it can be extremely rough, but with some time and work, you can smooth it out with work. I took this and made my own Brand “Shit’llBuffTM,” I have my own website where I sell clothing and share my story.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
The road has been anything but smooth.

Struggles came twofold in the beginning, but as a competitor, I took it as a game. Simply standing up with one leg was the first challenge. Getting into a car, going to the bathroom, and using crutches 100% of the time, all of those things were the firsts.

Come December 2020, I received my first prosthetic leg. The first time putting it on, I was ecstatic that I could finally stand without crutches. The fitting has been a battle to this day because of my residual limb changing shape (shrinking, muscle loss, the plate/screws in my femur, etc.). And with all of this, I had several reconstructive surgeries to make my residual limb the best it can be.

I had to learn how to walk all over again. I had to learn to trust in a machine that I couldn’t feel but only see my prosthetic knee. Walking down a slight hill, walking up a hill, sitting down correctly, walking up and down stairs, walking on different ground (sand, wet, ice, snow.) I had to become knowledgeable in aspects of what my leg can and cannot handle, such as, after going in the ocean, your foot needs to be taken apart and cleaned out.

I have fallen many times while learning all of these things. I have learned it is okay to fall. Why? Because those are the moments I grow. Those are the moments I find out who I truly am. I am someone who will fall ten times and get up twenty.

Another struggle is learning how to deal with others seeing me. When I am out in public, I park in handicap. There are people who will look at me pulling in and glaring because they do not see me as an amputee until I am out of my car. This has simply helped me to be better myself when it comes to judging before knowing someone and their life.

Clothing. This has been an ongoing challenge for me. To adjust a prosthetic, you need easy access to it and normal pants do not allow that. I have cut my left pant leg off ever since and am learning how to sew so that I can have quality clothing that is not fraying from being cut. An idea I have had for a while is possibly producing clothing for all amputees. Maybe someday!

Every day, I learn something new about being an amputee. I will continue to have struggles, just as any human does, mine just look a little different these days, and I am just fine with that.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a Certified Veterinary Technician in the ICU and ER. I swear I was born to love, help and guide animals. I like to think I am known for my passion at work. My passion for helping animals and being an advocate for them. The idea of bringing relief and love to an animal that is so selfless, makes my heart pour over.

I am most proud of the fact that I see some of the ugliest cases every day at work, but I still continue to believe in humanity. I believe animals were placed on earth to show what unconditional love is. I feel blessed every day that I get to bring joy into any and all animals’ life, along with their owners when it may be the hardest thing they have gone through with their pet.

Since becoming an amputee, I take post op amputations in the hospital as my patients because I feel I can truly connect with them and ensure they are getting the best and adequate care while healing.

While I was healing after the accident, I also obtained my Minnesota and Wisconsin Real Estate license.

This new adventure has brought joy in ways I didn’t think it could. Seeing families relieved when you help make the process of selling their home easier, makes me smile. I am new in this business and excited to see where I can go with it!

What makes you happy?
Being alive.

I have this burning urge to inspire others through actions. Nothing makes me happier than someone continuing on when they didn’t want to because I gave them a glimmer of hope. I want to show others that life can deal you a really bad hand, but you are in control of how you play it.

Other things that make me happy:

All my animals snuggling on a Sunday morning
The sun
People laughs
The smell of fresh dirt on a motor-cross track
Unplanned adventures

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Bradi Knutson

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