Today we’d like to introduce you to Sylvia Reese.
Hi Sylvia, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
North Side Blessings started in June of 2020. During that time our community was in deep need as our grocery stores were being burned down due to the riots during the unfortunate death of George Floyd. During this time our neighbors who didn’t own cars didn’t have access to buses and our elderly neighbors didn’t have access to get essentials.
With all this happening, we felt burdened to help and so our family decided to open our home. We purchased items and the word spread out and donors began to come and dropped off essentials for families in need, hygiene, perishables, diapers and wipes for babies, whatever the stores had, we also had. Families would come and shop for their needs. The need was so great we never stopped, we have continued helping families to this day. That’s when the Adopt a family program was birthed. Since 2020, we have helped families with resources like Bridging. We work 365 days in what we can to build our community. We now help all over Minnesota. Our goal is to have a building where families can come and receive whatever support they need.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It’s a process when we also have a family as well. But it hasn’t been impossible.
We try our best to purchase deals and advertise our page. We also run Minnesota Blessings Supportive Services. It’s a page on Facebook where we ask sponsors to come together and support our neighborhoods. One day we hope that a door opens for us to own a building and vehicles so we are able to help more families within the Twin Cities.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Minnesota Blessings Supportive Services is a Sister to North Side Blessings. We provide services to families in need.
Families can receive a blessing box it contains items when they move into their new apartment. We also have referrals for Bridging. They provide furniture for families in need.
We do numerous events with free giveaways such as back to school, blessing boxes, birthday bags, and resources for drug addiction. We are a unique organization that does our best to help all families in need. We work every day and when we see the need we do our part to help meet that need.
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