Today we’d like to introduce you to Kaz Langness.
Hi Kaz, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I was born in Milwaukee, WI, raised by my single mother. I grew up not knowing when my next meal would be or even where I would be sleeping that night. I lived in Milwaukee until I was 4- 5 years old and then moved with my birth mom to Ironwood, in the upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Some things happened with my birth mom during the first year that we lived in Ironwood and I got taken away and was put into foster care. After a couple of different foster care stints, I was adopted at the age of 10 years old by a great family. It was not always the easiest, especially with being the only black person in my adopted family and even one of the only black people in the town I was raised in.
Growing up and going to school and having other kids ask me, “why don’t you act black, why don’t you talk black”, or even “you’re the whitest black kid”. Comments such as those, allowed me to grow in life. Through the times when people would question why I was the way I am, it allowed me to always stay true to who I am and not to fit the narrative that they may have wanted me to fit. I would not be who I am or be where I am today without Christ. He’s always been there for me. He’s put me in tough situations growing up, to build and prepare me to be a strong individual to face what the world may throw my way.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
To some, it may not seem like the smoothest road. To me, the road has been fairly smooth. I have obviously had my ups and downs, but looking back, I wouldn’t change it for anything. God gives his toughest soldiers the hardest battles at times. I can look back and see the beauty in the bumps in the road that I have had to overcome. Whether it’s dealing with other people and negative words, or even overcoming the circumstances that weren’t always in my control, I am so thankful that I’ve had to face bumps early on in life that will help me to overcome bumps that I will face later on in life.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about BÉ ŸÕÚ Klothing?
BÉ ŸÕÚ Klothing, it’s a way to inspire others using my own story and what I am passionate about to make the world a better and healthier place one day at a time. We are all different, we must embrace our differences. Be you, no matter who’s trying to change you, no matter what the world wants you to be, or what you may even see on the “perfect” images on social media. We all understand the world differently and must use our understanding to better effectively communicate with one another. We all have a special purpose on this earth from Christ. Be who you are and who Christ made you to be.
What sets me apart from others is my story. No one has the same story as me. My passion for the world, for the people on this earth. With the goal of making it a healthier and happier place one day at a time, allowing Christ to guide me through it all.
I am most proud of what the message is and the purpose of my brand.
I want readers to know that they are all special. You are all so loved and worthy. You’re different than anyone else in the world. There is only one of you. I want them to know that growth in life is so important and it guides you to who you want to be in this world. If there is any way I can help you with anything, I want to be able to provide that.
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
I have learned many things during these last couple of years of the Pandemic.
It is important to always stay true to who you are and to not be conformed to what the world wants of you.
We all understand the world differently and we all have our own beliefs on certain things, so it’s important to understand that just because you may feel a certain way on something, it doesn’t always mean that the other person feels the same way. We should never degrade someone because of their beliefs/views.
I have learned to respect others and their personal decisions. Life is what we make of it, when one door closes, there’s another one that opens.
Contact Info:
- Email: kazlangness@beyouklothing.com
- Website: beyouklothing.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beyouklothing/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beyouklothing
Image Credits
Kaz Langness