Today we’d like to introduce you to Lesa Koski.
Hi Lesa, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am a wife, mother, grandma and attorney who turned my life upside down (or maybe right side up) and became a mediator. It is all I do now and it is my passion.
It has been an evolution and the journey continues. What I love is that I did not find my true calling until I turned 50. I had been grooming myself my whole life praying reading self improvement books working to figure out what my true gifts were. And then I entered the podcast world and went, “Oh my gosh there are other people out there like me!” There are women building businesses who want more. I was hungry to understand how do to all the things. I binged Jenna Kutcher and Amy Porterfield. Tony Robbins was also so inspiring.
I had wanted to be an attorney since I was a little girl. Who didn’t love LA Law! I remember hearing about mediation in law school and it just settled beautifully in my soul a lawyer serving peacefully: but the word on the street was that it could supplement your practice, it could not be your practice. So I opened my first practice with the idea that I was going to help the Elderly. Through the years with my children I was Mom first and an Elder Law attorney on the side. I LOVED the people, I had no passion for what I was doing. About 15 years out of law school, mediation still had a hold on me. I became a certified mediator and felt like I had come home. And still, I was told it would have to be a side job. I listened to this for a while and then I had a God moment. It was empowering and I decided I was not going to listen to all the naysayers. I was going to do Mediation full time. I have been filled with passion on this bumpy journey ever since. I am filled with Gratitude that I am able to feed my soul, add value to people’s lives and earn a living. I am truly living my dream! (Not that there are not the hard things :)! I am working from my barn office with horses chickens and donkeys in the background!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Oh Lord no! So many bumps and so much learning! As you know, having your own business is hard. I have my hand in everything. I love that the time is flexible; you are never not working and learning. When your computer breaks down there is no IT Department to turn to. I am so thankful for this because I know every detail about how to do every aspect of my business. That is a good feeling because as I start handing things over/scaling I have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to perform a task. It is hard to do everything and at the same time, it is a real struggle to hand things over to others. It is completely necessary as I grow.
Another piece that was really really hard was the fact that I was not making a lot of money for the first few years. My husband was very supportive but as we put kids through private school, college, and weddings we could have used a steady income for sure. I honestly had a lot of sleepless nights, filled with worry about whether or not I was doing the right thing.
I am so thankful that shortly after COVID hit I began working with my business coach, Tracy Pleschourt from Self Made U. It has made all the difference. She has coached me through my mind monkeys and helped me add value to people’s lives.
It’s funny I thought a deterrent to doing divorces was the fact that I had been married for 30 years. I believe in marriage. I have since leaned into this as one of my major strengths. I coach people to a better life after divorce. I want to be the bridge to the life they want; teaching them coaching skills to ensure high quality future relationships with themselves and others.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I offer a simple streamlined approach to divorce with a peaceful outcome. I am an attorney turned mediator with a moderate flat fee and unlimited communication; at your side from start to finish and beyond.
I hold couples’ hands through the divorce paperwork while coaching them on communication and mindset. I give legal information and help couples come together to create their own unique agreement. We don’t need to divorce like we have seen in the past. We are learning to Do Divorce Different with integrity and peace. Thus, my podcast Doing Divorce Different.
My podcast has expanded my practice and given me abounding resources and connections for my clients. And it is fun!
There is such a beauty in helping couples work together through such a difficult divorce journey. It gives each participant a voice and when you have children their truly is no other way to divorce. Co-parenting well mitigates the damage caused by divorce. I have an in-depth parenting plan that helps you address any issues that may come up in your future. I am very proud of my parenting plan online course. Now you can work with the other parent and come up with a plan for your children together. Whether you are working with a Mediator, Attorneys or Collaborative Law Attorneys this Plan will help you be there for your kids.
My online courses are expanding. I am so excited to be announcing a new online MN Divorce Course. It is coming so I can help more people work together on their divorce. I will hold your hand through the divorce paperwork and beyond in a course! This should be available summer 2022!
What was your favorite childhood memory?
Getting my first horse. I LOVED horses! Our neighbors had them. I was there every day feeding, riding and shoveling. My Grandpa Sonny was a cowboy. He hauled his favorite Pony Dotsy to our house in the back of his pick-up to surprise me! My grandparents and parents were watching to see my reaction when they walked me over to see the new horse at the neighbor’s barn. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was truly unable to believe it was happening! It was one of those moments when God gives you more than you ever thought to ask for but then you realize it was always your heart’s desire!
Contact Info:
- Email: lesa@lesakoski.com
- Website: https://www.lesakoski.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koskilaw/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediationspecialists1/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/LesaKoski
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgHhtPmlomgfqwmSrQ1Flw
- Other: https://anchor.fm/lesa-koski/episodes/Welcome-to-the-Doing-Divorce-Different-Podcast-Episode-1-e13jqg3