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Exploring Life & Business with Natalie Aul of Weight Loss Recipes Cookbook

Today we’d like to introduce you to Natalie Aul.

Hi Natalie, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Hi, my name is Natalie I’m from a small town in Minnesota. I am a food photographer, food scientist, I’ve been called a recipe evil genius. How could this become such a successful, worldwide, homemade business? Let’s start at the beginning. Growing up I dealt with anxiety insecurity, chronic migraines, and sickness, and not wanting to leave my house because of these. After a series of miraculous events, I found out the truth that I had an addiction since I was young.

I was addicted to a substance more addictive than heroin. It got in the way of everything in my life until I finally took charge, until I finally took my life back in my hands. Some of our seemingly everyday and normal life choices can actually be a stronghold.

Once I found out that it was sugar and flour, I was on a mission to freedom.

In my search for any type of cookbook that was truly sugar and flour free which was almost impossible, that when I did find one, I was disappointed because the ingredients were too hard to find, the recipes were too complicated to follow or just quite boring flavors. So, I started creating, formulating, experimenting, in my kitchen to create something that was actually delicious, easy to make, and fun enough to make healthy eating exciting.

After almost 4 years, I have 20 cookbooks published through my sister’s Pure Books publishing company, that I have shipped all over the world. we have a recipe page on Facebook called “Recipe Ideas. No sugar, No flour, Made easy” that has grown to over 35,000 members and is still growing

I have a successful and growing social media platforms from Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and now tick tock. And my books are printed and sold on Amazon and Barnes and noble.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
When I was just creating and testing the waters for my 1st Cookbook I had wonderful responses but, admits the overwhelmingly wonderful responses there were some not so nice ones… Negative, critical, unreasonable. And why do the negative comments always ring louder than the positive ones. I received the 1st proof of my 1st cookbook in the mail and I was shaking as those negative comments filled my thoughts. I shoved those thoughts to the side, mustered up all of my courage, surrounded myself with the people that love and support me, and told kelly “publish it!”

I thought “well that’s the hardest people I will ever have to deal with” I was wrong, I still have the overwhelmingly sweet, supportive, loving comments, posts and reviews from oh so many, but I will get the negative, critical, unreasonable comments. But I remind myself that “I cant please everyone, my cookbooks wont fulfill everyone’s tastes and that’s ok.”

I have also had other who are apart of the recipe group on Facebook who share recipes and are very creative. They have come to me asking questions about publishing, cookbook related questions, packaging and shipping, etc. The instant thought comes “If I help them publish cookbooks then people wont buy mine” and that is not true at all! You can’t tare others down to build yourself up, I determine to help others as much as I can because reality is that its more blessed to give then receive. and when you give and bless others, good things come to you and you can NEVER have enough recipes.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Weight Loss Recipes Cookbook?
What sets my cookbooks apart is that they are simple recipes you do not need an interpreter to understand, simple ingredients you can find at your local grocery store, and delicious flavors that don’t taste like a goat made them on top of a mountain. Some of my recipes have only 4 ingredients and are still delicious!

I can make almost ANY recipe into no sugar and no flour like: Donuts, cookies, pancakes, parfaits, cheesecake, pizza, blondies, lasagna, ice cream, and more! I have never eaten such delicious meals packed with flavor!

I specialize in no sugar (no sweeteners, honey, stevia, maple syrup, etc), no flour (any and all kinds), made deliciously easy recipes that you and the whole family will love. These recipes and cookbooks make mealtime and healthy eating exciting.

In everyone of my cookbooks I have sections of true inspirational teaching and life stories to make living free and healthy a reality.

Every single one of my recipes has a beautiful full-color photo because my family and I have literally enjoyed and eaten every one of these recipes.

Everyone needs to know the truth about sugar and flour. Sugar is more addictive than heroin and the cravings can never be satisfied. People have literally found freedom from diabetes, depression, arthritis, anxiety, brain fog, etc. Sickness, cancer, disease, and inflammation literally feed off of sugar. Flour is sneaky because it is sugars evil twin, it has the same addictive qualities and causes celiac, inflammation, cravings, IBS, brain fog, and more. When you cut these 2 substances out of your diet completely your cravings will disappear and your tastes will change that real food actually taste better than sugar and flour ever did.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Food addiction is not like other addictions. In most addictions you can stop cold turkey, but you can’t exactly do that with food. Most diets fail, are not realistic, or are not sustainable. “Run 20 miles, do 30 burpee’s, then hike Mount Everest. You will be skinny in no time!” or “Eat our pre-made food… it tastes like cardboard and you will be starving most of the time.” Or “Eat only baked fish and broccoli” or “Take these pills and drink this potion and BAM thin!” These yo-yo diets do not deal with the real problem and you can’t live on pills or climb Mount Everest forever… so the weight comes back. What if I told you there was a better way to lose weight, be healthy, and keep the weight off? You even get to eat a lot of delicious food without starving the whole time! If I can do it, a chunky kid who loved pizza, ice cream, and mac & cheese, you can do it! I will give you all the recipes (that’s the hard part). I am not a professional chef, I didn’t take cooking classes, I grew up on casseroles, tv dinners, and box meals. When I started this new lifestyle I had no clue how to cook. so these recipes are easy, as easy as a box meal to make. I have learned and experimented in the kitchen making these recipes. I have found that cooking can be an adventure. I have found a passion and creative spark now for making new and exciting flavors and combos to keep meal time exciting and easy and then sharing it with you!


  • Volumes 1-13, Whole Food Plant Based, Vegan volumes 1&2, Simply Delicious a 14-day meal plan $14.99
  • Cooking with Joy 1&2 (volumes 1-5 and 6-10 in 2 large books!) $74.99
  • Batch Cooking Made Easy Cookbook (over 180 recipes) $49.99
  • Holiday volume (over 120 of the holiday-inspired recipes from volumes 1-8 in one book) $29.99

Contact Info:

Suggest a Story: VoyageMinnesota is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.


  1. Maggie Aul

    July 7, 2022 at 11:52 pm

    Thank you so much for this inspiring, uplifting, and freeing story!
    This is such a great magazine! Thank you for all you are doing. Real life success stories, who doesn’t completely love them?

  2. Vered

    July 9, 2022 at 4:47 am

    Wonderful….just surprise that there is not even one mention of uour jurney in bright line eating BLE, where all starts.

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