Today we’d like to introduce you to Shontel Booker
Hi Shontel, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I like to believe yoga found me. I began to take my practice seriously in 2016 after burying a brother and losing him to suicide. That experience changed my life forever. Two weeks later, I was in a car accident that totaled my car and set me on a healing journey I didn’t know I needed. This was God’s way of telling me—well, making me—slow down. I’m a recovering workaholic; I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was selling chocolate candy bars for school fundraisers in elementary school. I needed to learn what it felt like to take a break.
After my physical therapy was complete, a friend introduced me to a hot yoga studio. It was there that I fell in love with yoga and began looking into how to become an instructor. It was important to me to learn from a Black instructor because, in most of the yoga classes I attended, the representation just wasn’t there, and I needed someone who understood the strength required for Black healing. I found my Yoga Mama, Gabrielle Roberts, and attended a pop-up class she hosted at a restaurant. I spoke to her about yoga teacher training and waited for registration to open.
As luck would have it, in 2020, months before training, I suffered a concussion and was put on many restrictions and told to do nothing. I’ve been working since the age of 14, so I didn’t know how to do nothing. I remember thinking, “God has a twisted sense of humor.” Once again, God forced me to slow down and learn how to rest. Finally, my occupational therapist allowed me to do only one thing—yoga. I was cleared to attend yoga teacher training, and that was it.
Once it became available, I hopped on the opportunity to be part of the first cohort at 612 Jungle. It was a truly transformative experience for which I’m extremely grateful.
After training, once I came down from the excitement, I began offering private 1-on-1 sessions and workshops for beginners (my friends and family). I established my business in 2022 and began offering youth yoga classes at schools. Hey, Freedom School!!!
From there, I tested out different class themes, types, and opportunities to collaborate with a variety of people, organizations, and schools. Staying true to my passion for offering youth classes, I gained the opportunity to offer yoga at the childcare center Miracle Grow Learning Academy and Hamline University on a regular basis. I recently collaborated with the YWCA of St. Paul, where I currently hold classes as a community partner. I’m excited as I move into the next phase of growth. As I heal and grow, my business continues to flourish.
I feel blessed to have an amazingly supportive yoga family and community. With divine timing and a strong support system, I’m living out my dreams. You know, Dreaming in Color.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Building a business is not for the weak. First, I had to work through my nerves and become confident in speaking in front of groups. I still get a little nervous before sessions. Then there’s the trial and error period of marketing and testing class types and themes. The biggest struggle is working through self-sabotage and training myself to handle different levels of success. It’s easy to get in your head and try to make things “perfect.” Pair that with being a little hyper-independent and getting comfortable asking others for help more often.
My awareness of parts of me that have room for growth is a big strength, and staying consistent in my own personal practice helps guide me through these struggles. We’re all practicing something for one reason or another. That’s the beauty of yoga—it’s a practice.
Taking the leap into full-time entrepreneurship, I had to prepare myself for the peaks and valleys of business. Class attendance can be hit or miss, but whether I have 2 or 10 people in a class, I still give my full energy. I feel like I started my business during a time when people were just beginning to realize the healing benefits of yoga. I’m leaning into that and holding spaces for people to tune into their inner silence. Today, mindfulness is everywhere, and you can see your therapist, your favorite athlete, and your favorite musical artist crediting yoga for their journey to better health. I know I’m right where I’m supposed to be.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am an international yoga guide and a Sr. Community Healing Specialist who offers intergenerational (adults & children) yoga classes and restorative workshops for community organizations, schools, and corporate businesses. I specialize in youth classes, building confidence through mindfulness and fun. I enjoy tapping into my creativity and letting it spill over onto the mat. My love for travel and adventure keeps me seeking knowledge from all parts of the world that I can incorporate into my sessions. This allows me to offer a variety of engaging events and workshops.
I’m known for my gentle, caring, family-oriented, fun-loving free spirit with a little spice. These gifts add fun to all my sessions. Laughing and cracking jokes while teaching is the best way to keep my students guessing and on their toes.
What sets me apart from others is that I create a fun and relaxing environment that allows people to embrace their inner child. (We’re all just big kids anyway.)
My love for yoga and graffiti street art inspired my logo and the names of some classes, embracing the fullness of color, creativity, and the realness of art and life for all to see.
I’m now a huge advocate for rest. I constantly encourage individuals to step away from electronics and relax, reset, and reground. I take lots of vacations and/or breaks whenever I can. I’ve had my share of experiences that have taught me that if you don’t take time for yourself, your body will take it for you.
What I’m most proud of is that I gave myself permission to dream. I didn’t let doubt or fear of the unknown keep me from believing in my vision. I’ve aligned myself to use my personal healing journey to heal others. I am because we are!
We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
I define success as the ability to authentically live and walk in your purpose. Accepting the truths of your journey and allowing yourself to be encouraged by the possibilities of your future. Giving yourself permission to be the hero and the villain in others’ stories because your actions come from a genuine place that operates off principle and integrity. Not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by the stress and pressures of capitalism. Reclaiming your time, health, peace of mind, social structure, and abundance to live the life of your dreams. Life is what you make it, so live in the present and dream of the future. Most importantly, Dream in Color.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://Dreamincolorhealing.com
- Instagram: https://Instagram.com/dreamincolorhealing
- Facebook: Facebooke.com/Dream in color healing
Image Credits
Main Photo by Antonio Richardson
Photo with Yoga Block by Shawn Brown
Walk Art group photo by Celia Fortney, Courtesy of Walker Art Center, Minneapolis.
Storytime Photo, Courtesy of Miracle Grow Learning Academy
612 Group Photo, Courtesy of 612 Jungle
Other Photos from the Collection of Shontel Booker