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Meet Elizabeth Sherry of Twin Cities Wedding & Event Professionals

Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Sherry.

Hi Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Twin Cities Wedding & Event Professionals (at the time Twin Cities Wedding Professionals) was created in 2009 in midst of the recession. The Recession hit the industry hard and the only way through it was to collaborate with peers and build great referral partnerships. The group started very organically with 10 professionals, then 20 and then so on that at one point the group grew to bring in 120 professionals to each meeting. The foundations of the group have never changed, we are a genuine group of people who are excited to network!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Any young company has their struggles of course. Sometimes each month feels like a struggle to put the event together but somehow they all magically come together and turn out great. And the reason for that is the people! Our group brings in wonderful, caring and understanding folks that all just want to network and get to know each other. Of course the pandemic has been a HUGE hurdle when we had to rethink how to collaborate and connect but doing it virtually. The truth is, nothing replaces being in person and the energy to the spirit that it provides. So we hope we are onward in being in person.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
At TCWEP, we celebrate local hospitality vendors. Each month we put on our own special event, sponsored by local event venues. The Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs have many venue spaces that are hidden gems. Sponsorship showcasing of event venues create win-win benefits. At our member meetings, you get to be known, be acknowledged, showcase your awesomeness, and hang with “your people” – other event professionals who use their skills, talents and gifts to create (aka: often “pull off”) miracles every day so our clients have stellar event experiences. Member partnerships are the way we enrich our wedding and event businesses and give our clients the richest event experience possible. We invite event professionals in the Minneapolis-St. Paul and surrounding areas in the upper Midwest to collaberate with us, share your genius, and exchange ideas and referrals. Members and non-members who are vendors that service events are encouraged to attend our monthly events. B2B (business to business & local event industry trade show’s) are also welcome and encouraged to visit once, and then apply for membership and participation guidelines.

We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you?
My “Luck” has always been about who I know, especially when it comes to good luck. Through my networking experiences I have gotten every job in my adult career. One time it was me standing up at a meeting saying I was looking for a job, and then my trajectory in events began. Another time it was an industry friend recommending me for a position that provided me with some of the best hands on learning I could have asked for. The good luck of finding my now husband through networking and specifically through my connections at Twin Cities Wedding & Event Professionals. We now have been married for over 7 years and have 3 kids together. So only good luck when it comes to my experience with networking.

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Image Credits
Jeannine Marie Photography, Studio Veil Photography

Suggest a Story: VoyageMinnesota is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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