Today we’d like to introduce you to Luis Moreno.
Hi Luis, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
Sure! Over the past 7 years, I have been spending time writing articles and posts, speaking, and conducting training on Human-Centered Leadership and Emotional Intelligence to help improve the way leaders lead. I am training Leaders around the world to be more human.
I am absolutely convinced of the need for my work to train Leaders to be more human, because Leaders that are more human are better equipped to lead in difficult times like these. How? Well, genuinely caring about people, connecting, listening, feeling with others, and having compassion to support them. More and more people are realizing that although financial performance is key for a company’s sustainability, that alone is not enough when we are not paying attention to people and their wellbeing.
During my training sessions, we go over the key elements of Emotional Intelligence and we have open and frank discussions with professionals and executives where they reflect and share their stories of the most inspiring and effective Leaders they have worked with, throughout their careers and what they admire the most about them. After asking for multiple years, during these training sessions, about the most memorable and most significant actions they remember from their most admired leaders, I am yet to hear a story about when a Leader increased financial performance or grew the company by X%. The stories are always related to how those leaders leveraged their human qualities to support them and helped them grow personally and professionally. It is all about leaders that are more emotionally intelligent, more caring, more personal and more inspiring. Their leadership styles are more inclusive, and more focused on people, and lead to work environments that are more collaborative, innovative, and productive because they are healthier, closer, and happier. That’s why I am on this mission to train leaders to be more human.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
No, it has not been a smooth road. When I started learning, writing, speaking, and conducting training about Human Centered Leadership and Emotional Intelligence a few years ago, as I talked to Leaders and professionals about the idea of more human leadership, some people told me that such a concept was too idealistic, that it was not realistic for the corporate world. Some told me that it was just “marketing fluff” that did not have any real base. Some thought I was an academic talking about something that was just a theory that would not apply in the actual work environment.
These comments were meant to be discouraging, yet they did not stop my interest and work in this fascinating area. I was absolutely convinced back then, and I am even more now, that better and more positive leadership is possible and is actually needed. It is a more human leadership, one that fosters positive human qualities, such as empathy, compassion, patience, tolerance, understanding, and generosity, among others. So, I kept progressing with the topic.
I continued writing, speaking, and conducting training to help develop a new generation of leaders to be more human.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Sure! I have a passion for personal and professional development. I have been leveraging my experience working in 7 Fortune 500 companies to write, speak, and conduct training on Human-Centered Leadership and Emotional Intelligence, sharing perspectives and techniques with thousands of people around the world. I train professionals and executives to lead in a more people-oriented and human way.
I have published articles sharing my perspectives on Human-Centered Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in multiple publications that have been used as references by various organizations for discussions around implementing change in the workplace to improve the environment and the culture. I support and advocate for people, education, and humanity. I visit schools, colleges, and universities around the world to engage in conversations with faculty, administrative staff, and students about new ideas about Leadership, teamwork, and the workplace. I teach as an Adjunct at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota and I am a frequent guest speaker at the U of M and at various universities in the US and in other countries around the world.
I participate in collaborative economic development initiatives and have been actively engaged in discussions on Shared Prosperity with multiple corporations and non-profit organizations. My passion for people, humanity, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and for improving the socioeconomic conditions and opportunities for diverse professionals has taken me to hold leadership roles in Diversity Networks at multiple global companies, including Ecolab, General Mills, Land O’Lakes, and GE. Also, in 2008, I co-created The Twin Cities Business Peer Network (TCBPN), a strong professional network of over 2,000 members, which helps students and professionals to make new connections for professional and personal development, career, and business opportunities. I believe that to be a great leader one needs to be a good person, which is the main reason why I train leaders to be more human.
I have an MBA in Marketing and Strategy from the Carlson School of Management and I am a Public Policy Fellow at the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. I also collaborate with US Competitiveness and Shared Prosperity initiatives as an active member of the Young American Leaders Program (YALP) at Harvard Business School.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
I have a genuine passion for people, human behavior, Human Centered Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Education, Talent and Personal and Professional Development Training. I also make the time to develop long-time mutually exclusive relationships with others wherever I go. Due to my interest in and my contributions to race relations, justice, community service, education, and civil and human rights, the State of Minnesota generously gave me its “Distinguished Service Award”, which was a meaningful honor by this great state, which has been my home for more than two decades!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://luismorenotcbpn.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luismorenotcbpn/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luismoreno/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuisMorenoTCBPN
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@luismorenotcbpn
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TCBPN/