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Meet Meghan Joy Yancy of Dayton

Today we’d like to introduce you to Meghan Joy Yancy.

Hi Meghan Joy; thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
I’ve lived in Minnesota my entire life. For so many of those years, I would moan about whatever current season I was being dragged through, anticipating the days of leaving this place for more consistent sunshine + warmth. Until, I truly shifted my mindset for good, appreciating all that Minnesota has to offer. And it’s been a radical shift. I am fully embracing all the unique + rare charm that this place has to offer. And I have begun to realistically build roots here, deepen relationships and plant ourselves for a future of our family legacy.

This brings me to The Red Tree Ranch; my husband and I have 6 kids, and we have always been coming up with new ideas and exciting endeavors for ways to do things we are passionate about while producing income. Mix into that the ability to be very present parents and do things that don’t pull away from our family time. It’s almost as if entrepreneurship runs through our veins. In 2014, I began a network marketing business from home with Young Living essential oils, which has been wildly successful and has brought me some of my best friends in life. At that time, I also started writing a book. Being an author was something I have always wanted to be since I was a little girl. But as the social media world began to expand, it told me that my book would do no good if I didn’t have an audience to market it to. Thus began my quest to build a social media platform, which unexpectedly took a turn for growth and radically shook our world.

8 years later, I still invest in my Young Living business and my social media platforms, which have opened so many doors and opportunities and brought in income that has provided for our family to invest in real estate. We recently purchased a little 7-acre ranch in Dayton, MN, and expanded our entrepreneur hearts even further. We renovated 2 of the buildings on the property into little studio spaces that we rent out to photographers or for people wanting to host small events. They are named Joy Studio and Seven Studio, and as I also love thrifting, designing, and home decor – I have been able to shape these spaces into lovely little welcoming rooms. It’s been a wild experience and one we quite enjoy.

For 8 years, I have been blessed to be able to pour into these businesses, dream big, and pursue passion WHILE being a mom, homeschooling, and being present for my family. What a gift it has been. Right here in Minnesota.

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Certainly not. There have been so many unknowns, bumps, and downright tornadoes we have had to walk through. Sometimes, those are clear-cut signs of stopping and pausing or pivoting. And sometimes, those are just bumpy, winding roads that you need to press forward through the storm because there is a lot of light on the other side. There have been times when ALL the circumstances were not lining up, our hearts grew weary, and the future looked bleak for what we had initially intended. I am an eternal optimist, so that I won’t stay down too long. I’ll somehow find joy in a dark situation. I’ll pull myself out of the muck and look for that silver lining. I always find it.

And then put together the fact that both my husband and I are risk takers- you have a recipe for either disaster or victory. And more often than not, it’s victory. Because I even see a “failure” as a victory. What did we learn from that situation? How can we take the knowledge of that experience and make it better next time? Experience is one of the best forms of wisdom we can glean – so I count that as a win.

My husband often says, “Okay, Meg, I have a crazy idea, but I think it could be cool.” I get so jacked up when I hear him say that. 95% of the time, my reply is, “Yep; it’s crazy. Let’s do it.” And I love it. We make a good team.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
While I admire someone who has mastered their one triumphant craft, I have realized that it is just not me. I consider myself a jack of trades and a master of none. And I don’t mind that one bit. I’ve always been an artist of sorts. I love dipping into so many different creative endeavors and trying new things, experimenting with varying art mediums, and trying my hand at every new craft I discover. It has bid well for me as an entrepreneur. After all, I am always finding new ways to generate income and learning the balance of creating something of meaning both of what you can sell and doing it because it brings enjoyment to your life.

With all that I do:
– Network marketing (essential oils + natural living)
– Social media (Instagram + website + youtube + TikTok)
– Modeling (our family of 8 does local MN modeling gigs)
– Writer (author + blogging)
– The small shop owner (online resale thrifted + knick-knack boutique)
– Artist (specializing in digital art + watercolors)
– Rental space owners (2 studio spaces for small events + photography)

Anything else I dare to dabble in, I do it with a heart of endearment + gratefulness. I know my priorities and values and the ability to build and create in many different seasons of life. All that I do, I choose to make possible as I mother little ones. That’s strategic. I don’t want what I do to make money to pull me away from the home or my kids mentally or emotionally. That has looked different in many shifting seasons, but I intentionally stay grounded with balance.

At the core of it all, I love sharing joy with others and the ability to find goodness in today to seek the loveliness around you. And ultimately, through it all, sharing my faith in Jesus. And how my entire life is lived for Him, through Him, and I want others to see Him when they see me. I want to offer something great to the world and our community. And at the end of the day, there isn’t a huge goal. Just slowly building a beautiful legacy for my family while doing things I love and hoping that other people want to join us for the ride.

What are your plans for the future?
My dreams and goals on a large scale are solid and grounded. But the path to get there is free + wild because life has beauty—so many opportunities to pursue passionate paths. I never want to limit myself, so my adventure of growth and forward movement is not linear but ever-changing, sloppy, and radical. It’s all over the place. One day, we say we want to have a small wedding venue on the ranch. And the next day, that shifts to a barndominium. Then I think it would be cool to own and operate our family coffee shop. Then I realized how much I love working with others and would love to help run and host events with a team. Picnics are so fun- maybe I’ll expand my vintage picnic business. But I sure do love thrifting and could resell like it’s nobody’s business. Those furniture-flipping Instagram accounts are so cool- I bet I could do that. I love that hobby farm IG account too. Maybe we should get some goats.

Shall I go on?
That said, the world is your oyster, and we live in a world with endless open doors. You have to walk through them and saddle up for a wild ride. What is set in stone for us is a rooted foundation in Minnesota. Our property here serves as our family home and, simultaneously, a family business. I envision community people laughing and enjoying life here and creating spaces and places to join people together to create something to fulfill people’s needs. To highlight and feature other local creatives, artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. A place to bring + link everyone together. That’s my heart. That’s what I want to bring to life.


  • Joy Studio (hourly + monthly rates)
  • Seven Studio (hourly + monthly rates)

Contact Info:

Image Credits
@knzphotography with McKenzie Berquam

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