Today we’d like to introduce you to Veronica Barnes.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I remember taking PSEO classes in high school and having no idea what I wanted to do once I graduated. I had considered so many career options; chiropractor, attorney, the list goes on. Shortly after high school, I ended up meeting a photographer who would take portraits of me. We would explore abandoned buildings, fields, and all the unique places we could find in the country with fun concepts behind the images. I’d watch him edit the photos, and my interest was sparked. I eventually bought my first DSLR with the money I had earned babysitting, and started taking photos as his assistant at weddings. From there, I had a few people I knew started asking me to take photos for them… and thus began my career. I ended up dropping out of college (one class shy of an associate’s degree) and starting my business at 20. It’s been quite the adventure! I’ve always loved to travel, and am so thankful that my job has taken me to Colorado, Mexico, Hawaii, California, Florida, Utah, Arizona, and a few other beautiful places.
Choosing a career in the arts was a big leap of faith, but God has always blessed the work of my hands and He is faithful. There have been many ups and downs throughout the years, but overall it has been an amazing experience.
I absolutely thrive when I work with people and have been so fortunate to work with the kindest and most fun clients. They are a huge part of what makes my job so wonderful!
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road has had some bumps. When I first started, I was still learning to master my craft (the learning never really ends!) – but in addition to that, I was trying to figure out how to (legally) run a business at 20! Paying income tax, sales tax, starting an LLC – all of that felt like a huge learning curve for me.
I am also an extreme extrovert who loves to be busy, and I think the hardest part of this career is dealing with the off-season of (long) Minnesota winter.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I specialize in wedding and engagement photography. I thrive in social settings and absolutely love being surrounded by and interacting with people. While I do agree that photography is an art, I approach my business with a heart postured towards service and serving my clients. My favorite experiences thus far have been working with clients in Utah and Colorado – I absolutely love being in the mountains!
How do you think about happiness?
Spending time with the people that I love makes me extremely happy. My faith is also very important and #1 in my life. Anytime I get to be outside and enjoy nature (especially the mountains), I am in my happy place. There’s just something so special about being in nature and sharing the experience with others.
- $3,450-$4,250 (Wedding Photography)
Contact Info:
- Email: veronica@vbphotomn.com
- Website: vbphotomn.com
- Instagram: instagram.com/vbarnes_photo
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veronicabarnesphotography