Today we’d like to introduce you to Andy Strano.
Andy, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
In 2011, I was living in Las Vegas, Nevada where I convinced my (then) wife that if I bought a Delorean, I would not keep it just for its namesake, but I’d make a business out of it. She was ok with the purchase and therefore I started taking it to every car and event I could find in Las Vegas to start making a name for myself. Fast forward to 2022, I am currently living outside of Minneapolis Minnesota where I run, an online Delorean rental hobby where not only I rent out my own car, but rent out cars around the country through the relationships I’ve made with Delorean owners. I have over 10,000 followers on Instagram and have a very nice presence on social media for the car. Though I’ll never quit my day job as an Art teacher, it brings me much joy to share my passion for this car as well as the movie and sort of bring people “back” to a time when they were younger, life was easier, and stainless steel was cool!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Starting a side business is never smooth. And with the move to Minnesota where winter lasts much longer than the car season in Las Vegas, as well as with my divorce, keeping up as a father of three boys as well as a full time teacher, keeping RentDelorean going has been difficult. Luckily I have a community of followers that encourage me to keep the “dream” alive.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
As an Art teacher for 18 years now, I’ve always loved to build things. In the past 4 years, I’ve built three different TARDIS’s from Doctor Who that 2 of them became Little Free Libraries for my local community. When someone finds out I’m an art teacher, they ask what sort of art I’m into, expecting me to say painting or drawing. I enjoy those things, but I love building things. My proudest, besides my Delorean Time Machine that a friend helped with, would be my life sized TARDIS that also was a Geocaching spot. I had it up for 3 years for the community to either get free books from, or find the GeoCache in. It actually became Minnesota’s number 1 geocache. I am planning on building another one this summer for my current home and location.
What sets me apart? I can’t take impossible as an answer. I’m always coming up with ways to defy what’s “normal” and going further with it, whether it be with my career, my Delorean hobby, or my building of things.
What was your favorite childhood memory?
I would venture over to my best friend’s house many many weekends. We still talk today. Shawn has been my friend since we were in 1st grade. I’d go over his house for sleepovers and we were much like Doc and Marty from Back To The Future. He was the sciencey nerd and I was just along for the ride. We’ve built a bond over the years much as brothers do. We saw the internet become what it is today just by tinkering around online. We built things and were always coming up with ideas to improve the future.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits
Andy Strano